Poll: The EU Referendum: How Will You Vote? (June Poll)

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 794 45.1%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 965 54.9%

  • Total voters
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Yeah right - a methodical change to give Leave the lead to encourage pro-EU voters to get out and vote. Just like how the polls at the general election predicted a Lab-SNP coalition to persuade people in England to vote Tory.

How's the tinfoil hat, Scorza? It must be exhausting believing all these conspiracy theories.
How's the tinfoil hat, Scorza? It must be exhausting believing all these conspiracy theories.

I had a discussion with someone who was also an avid subscriber to conspiracy theories and was voting to leave.

His one and only reason for doing so was immigration. Literally did not care about anything else. Apparently the figures for immigration from both campaigns are all wrong and the government is lying - the actual figures are in the millions and they just won't tell us the real numbers - they're all out to screw us over type mentality.

It's impossible to have a reasoned discussion with these people because when you try and talk about facts and figures that are difficult to dispute (i.e. have come from an actual source) the response is something based entirely on conjecture and outlandish theories that require a full body tin foil suit, never mind a hat.
It's impossible to have a reasoned discussion with these people because when you try and talk about facts and figures that are difficult to dispute (i.e. have come from an actual source) the response is something based entirely on conjecture and outlandish theories that require a full body tin foil suit, never mind a hat.

I was talking to an older gentleman last night who stated he is voting to leave because the German government tells our government what to do and is ruining the UK. When asked for examples he couldn't give any. When asked if he understood how the EU makes decisions he had no idea except that it's "undemocratic". Again he was unable to give any explanation as to why this is the case and stormed off in a rage. Daily Express - mission accomplished.
How's the tinfoil hat, Scorza? It must be exhausting believing all these conspiracy theories.

It's an undeniable fact that the polls had a massive influence on the general election result, I think it's a legitimate concern that the opinion polls could again affect the result of an election.
His one and only reason for doing so was immigration. Literally did not care about anything else.

Hardly surprising, the main reason this referendum has come about is because of immigration, and Cameron's attempts to appease voters in the wake of a backlash because of...immigration.
Hardly surprising, the main reason this referendum has come about is because of immigration, and Cameron's attempts to appease voters in the wake of a backlash because of...immigration.

Oh, I know - definitely a case of picking the wrong tool for the job though. The answer to solving concerns and issues with immigration is not a referendum on EU membership.
Even the IPSOS Mori telephone poll is now showing a lead for Leave: 53%-47%. There's been a methodological change since the last poll which accounts for some of the shift but still, all the polls are now pointing to a Leave win. I really think we're going to Brexit now.

I think a relatively consistent double digit lead in telephone polls is required for Leave to win. There are still lots of undecided who will vote against uncertainity (In).

As the polls stand now, I expect a 2-3% win for In.
It's an undeniable fact that the polls had a massive influence on the general election result, I think it's a legitimate concern that the opinion polls could again affect the result of an election.

Agree. The massive swing in favour of Brexit I would say would likely work in favour of remain.
It's an undeniable fact that the polls had a massive influence on the general election result, I think it's a legitimate concern that the opinion polls could again affect the result of an election.

Yes, it's a legitimate concern. The idea that this, and previous, polls have been rigged to produce a particular result is a conspiracy theory; and a ridiculous one at that.
Yes, it's a legitimate concern. The idea that this, and previous, polls have been rigged to produce a particular result is a conspiracy theory; and a ridiculous one at that.

So you believe people never conspire? Wonder how a word could come to exist to describe an event which never takes place.
On more sober topics, the Economist's Intelligence Unit have produced their report on the likely consequences of Brexit, like all other independent, knowledgeable forecasts, it's grim reading: Out and down: Mapping the impact of Brexit (it's free to download but you need to register to download it unfortunately, but it's discussed here if you don't want to register). The headline findings are an expectation of a 6% lower GDP in 2020 and 170,000 more unemployed.

Yes, it's a legitimate concern. The idea that this, and previous, polls have been rigged to produce a particular result is a conspiracy theory; and a ridiculous one at that.

Where did I use the word "rigged"? By your own words a change to the polling methodology has been implement which suddenly showed a swing to Leave. I'm just a little bit sceptical that's all.
Scorza suggested that the polls have been manipulated to produce a particular result, that is a conspiracy theory. There's no two ways about it.

many conspiracy theory's are correct and the phrase "conspiracy theory" is often used as a by word for crack pot, when the fact is governments, organisations and groups of people regularly engage in conspiracy's.
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