Someone give me a good reason to stay..
Vote for the status quo, the EU and every country's loyalty to its Plan is now too big to change or at least it will take a long while, every economist will say we're stronger staying in, we all share the same regulations which makes it easier to trade, we have a small say inside but better than out, our service economy won't do as well outside the EU apparently, immigration has boiled over because non EU immigrants have not been curbed, would we feel the same if they were..
In general all Countries inside Europe have voted no confidence for EU, with the exception of Greece most poorer countries thinking the EU is good and the richer countries thinking the EU is bad.. This alone tells us something.
Why is the case for no confidence high for EU from Europeans ?
Greece and the UK share the same contempt percentage and why is that ? David cameron and the media have maybe hurt the perception of the EU by cutting services and not cutting the number of people he is unwilling to support by building enough homes, schools and hospitals because of his support for GDP going up from population increase..
He was right to give people a vote when the public have no confidence now in the EU, that's democratic..
I'm still on the fence, Should i side with the Capitalist EU with its lack of care for Nationalism, Alienating people in certain areas.
Or stay inside the EU with the status quo with a Government on the left and right that think immigration is good for our GDP and hope for a Socialist government that would build more homes, schools and hospitals, getting into further Debt as Capitalists inside the UK and out pull money away from the public purse..