I'm not sure what the faux outrage is here, we all know manifestos aren't binding and that all political parties make outrageous promises in their own ones at
every election, which if they come into power, they then change, modify or drop under the pretext of 'We didn't know how bad things were until we got in' and now we can't do X,Y,Z even though we
really wanted to.....honest.
If you want pre-election lies, then the 'We have no intention on raising VAT' was about the biggest whopper the Tories have done, but funnily enough, we still keep voting them in.
And then, you want to give these shower of muppets unilateral control over us again
Oh yea, I forgot, we can vote them out (which we don't) every 5 years for the binary choice of the other shower of muppets