Poll: The EU Referendum: How Will You Vote? (June Poll)

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 794 45.1%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 965 54.9%

  • Total voters
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I'm equally surprised with anyone voting to remain. People voting to remain have lost their minds and are betraying future generations.

How anyone can trade their sovereignty in the manner of the remain camp just makes me appalled. It's the equivalent of a slave choosing to remain a slave just because taking freedom might require a bit of hardship or effort.
You keep pedalling this rubbish.

Being part of Europe is fine. Being freinds with Europe and trading with them is fine. But I don't want to be governed by them in any way.
Have you ever voted in a general election?

Can I ask who you've voted for? Obviously feel free not to answer this question.
Can't believe the OCUK populace are still more in favor of leaving, utterly beggers belief, it's so blindingly obvious to stay I'm not even going to get into the details here.................what's wrong with everyone!? lol, I'm shocked, blind nationalism really is more powerful than sensible logical thought.

I admit, a lot of the scaremongering etc makes perfect valid sense to everyday "normal" life. However do some bloody research. Its a pretty veil to mask what is actually going on. There are bigger things happening and if people can't see that, or fully understand it then god help this country because the propaganda wins.

Yes it may sound like crazy tin foil hat conspiracy theories, but just take a step back and educate yourself. I fail to see how people are SO blind to the Bilderberg group and what they are formed from.

So instead of thinking about yourselves in this vote, wanting to continue to live your comfortable lives with no risk but no real gains, think about your future generations. Think about what impacts a controlled new world order could have. Think about what a singular massive EU army would mean. Think about all of us, working tirelessly day in day out for someones else's greed.

How is this right? If that's what you really want from this world, then crack on. Just because we live it and breath it everyday does not mean that this is the right way of doing things. We are shackled, we are powerless and the people who are in power know this.

I mean, does cruising about on a boat on the river Thames shooting each other with water pistols really strike you as political engagement with the people?

Hell, I'd love that job. But no, i'll just work away and pay their wages instead. They probably even claimed for the water pistols through tax payers money. but its ok 'cus they say "It'll be ok we will look after you"

This whole show is just pathetic and wrong. The sooner people realise this and wake up, the sooner something can be done about it.
Our loss of sovereignty is enshrined within the very European Communities Act 1972 itself and supported by subsequent case law:

Laws made by the EU institutions don’t have effect in this country in their own right, but they take legal effect here because of section 2(1) of the European Communities Act 1972. Not only that: the EU law rule that EU law is supreme over national laws is also imported into our legal system by the notoriously obscure section 2(4), part of which says:

any enactment passed or to be passed, other than one contained in this part of this Act, shall be construed and have effect subject to the foregoing provisions of this section

which means every Act of Parliament gives way (in the event of conflict) to EU law brought into our system by section 2(1).

The result of these provisions is that an Act of Parliament that conflicts with EU law must be disapplied by UK courts, as the Merchant Shipping Act 1988 was in the Factortame case.
The EU is nothing but a political union designed to take away freedom in exchange for security. 100% out. I fear however they have swayed it and the end result will be 51% in 49% out. And we will never have another referendum in the next 100 years.
Can't believe the OCUK populace are still more in favor of leaving, utterly beggers belief, it's so blindingly obvious to stay I'm not even going to get into the details here.................what's wrong with everyone!? lol, I'm shocked, blind nationalism really is more powerful than sensible logical thought.

What are you afraid of?
You keep pedalling this rubbish..

Anyone who refers to the critical issue of sovereignty as 'rubbish' probably doesn't deserve sovereignty.

Sadly, the electorate in general are incapable of voting on what actually matters and are more interested in avoiding possible short term difficulty and paying attention to the remain side's ludicrous fear campaign and disgusting use of the Jo Cox incident.
Why should we let thugs like that in, 'desperate' to get here but shouting **** the UK and attacking people? If the EU had collapsed or the schengen zone didn't exist, if countries protected their boarders and were able to actively deport people then they would not be there.

Because they are in an EU country already. They didn't arrive in that EU country - they arrived in the EU in a different country but due to no borders they've been able to make it to our doorstep. No borders is such a bad, bad idea and yet the EU has pursued that notion despite the warnings and lo and behold - they've now got yet another a crisis of their own making on their hands. Why might you ask doesn't France just detain and deport these people? They are illegal immigrants after all. Because the European Court of Justice says they can't.

So basically the only reason it's remotely relevant is the slim hope that if the UK leaves the EU collapses and border control bounces back all over the continent? Right.

But then that seems logical compared to the many disingenuous, stretched and downright wrong arguments so many brexit folk have on here.:(
If the UK leaves it could control its own border almost 100%. Border guards at ports, stations, the Navy in the Channel, immediate processing of any illegals who slip through (keep them in camps, finger-print them while we deal with them - effectively treat them as criminals).
If the UK leaves it could control its own border almost 100%. Border guards at ports, stations, the Navy in the Channel, immediate processing of any illegals who slip through (keep them in camps, finger-print them while we deal with them - effectively treat them as criminals).


Border guards at stations? How the hell do you think they get here, on the train?

Well I'm sure we could do a better job than letting 300,000 in ... (latest figures showed 300,000 net immigration).

Even if we cut it to 100,000 who somehow found there way through our border that would be an improvement. And at least with Brexit we could process them, find out their country of origin and send them straight back. Illegals would get no benefits, right to work or healthcare so would probably not even bother.
More related to the other thread but due to the non ability to be impartial it got deleted.

Why you must ask them why they didn't want you to see this. .???????


Want ANY type of reform ? Want things to change ? VOTE LEAVE
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Can't believe the OCUK populace are still more in favor of leaving, utterly beggers belief, it's so blindingly obvious to stay I'm not even going to get into the details here.................what's wrong with everyone!? lol, I'm shocked, blind nationalism really is more powerful than sensible logical thought.

You could give us a short summary of why you are in favour of EU. Unity over division perhaps. People should post more sources, links & summarise as we approach the actual vote

My personal take is that politics favours politics, Im not nationalist really I'd go with what works but EU isnt working to its members best interests and there is significant failure in the integrity of its operations imo.

NATO is fundamental destablising force in Europe anyway. Should be disbanded.
Nice try Putin :p
poached from reddit:

1) It is fundamentally undemocratic - the people at the to are un-elected and unaccountable, also every country apart from France wants to scrap the moving of the parliament once a month (see bellow), but because one country out of 28 disagrees they are forced to do it.
2) It has eroded our sovereignty - It can block our government from creating laws for our country, It can overrule our courts. And around 59% of our laws are made by the EU.
3) It is a wasteful organization - they spend £130m - £300m (depends who you listen to) a year moving the entire parliament to France for 4 days of each month and then move it back. (also this produces 10,000 tonnes of Carbon Dioxide a year, Ironic considering they are making everyone else cut carbon emissions)
4) The cost - I would rather spend £250m a week on something better than the EU
5) The EU has destroyed the Greek economy.
6) No matter what is said we will end up being integrated into a "United States of Europe", as people call it, if we stay. - In the 1975 Eu referendum we were promised no more integration but it happened anyway.

The EU has gone against the democratic process numerous times - Ireland, Greece, etc.
It is pretty undemocratic in its very makeup - unelected commissioners with a tier in between which means they cannot be held to account by the electorate
It discriminates against non-EU migrants who may have great skills to offer the country (two-tier system) - I don't support European supremacy - I actually want more migrants but quality over quantity because only quality will contribute to an even better economic contribution
GDP alone is not the single indicator of life quality - a number of countries have lower GDP than the UK yet do better in terms of quality of life
The devastating effect the EU's directives and regulations have had on multiple industries - regulations have crippled SME's who struggle to afford the costs of compliance
Short term pain for long term gain - I believe after an initial shock, which I admit will be the case, the economy will settle down and then eventually thrive
The EU is wasting a lot of money every single year - money that could go to help people in need or could be invested in the poorer nations
Bureaucrats are having a party at our expense whilst again wasting a ridiculous amount of money on vanity projects and events - bloated bureaucracy, jobs for the status quo, etc.
Lack of transparency - the legislation drafting process is incredibly secretive (TTIP, etc.)
One interest rate is not suitable for very diverse economies - the EU is going the wrong way - it wants to centralize power rather than give more control to each nation state
Corporatism - just have a look at who is backing and funding the remain campaign and that will tell you everything you need to know (political elite and economic elite)
Wage compression - in an ideal world, a minimum wage would be enforced, but its not pragmatic to assume that can be enforced as people always find a way to work around the system whether its welfare, tax avoidance or underpaying on salaries - increased competition is leading to abuse by employers, most often at an unskilled level whereby cash in hand is often the way things are done
Jeremy Corbyn had the opportunity to really push for this and instead he gave in to appease the naysayers in the Labour Party to avoid rocking the boat. He has now allowed the entire leave campaign to be hijacked by right wingers with the sole focus on immigration, when that is not the only issue here. The EU goes against the vast majority of what Old Labour stood for, and as someone who would like to return to the days when the likes of Aneurin Bevan and Tony Benn were around, I am disgusted by it.
There are people in the remain campaign who are not voting because of an opinion on the EU, but because of their underlying hatred for people like Nigel Farage and UKIP as a whole. In the long term, these people are going to spite themselves. People are allowing themselves to be driven by emotion, that hatred, rather than looking at the facts and approaching it in a logical way. The reality is, if any true socialist or democrat saw what the EU was actually doing and was, then they would be absolutely disgusted.
I have found that the more research someone on the left does into the EU and how it operates the more they move towards leave. Those making the emotional argument often have no idea who the European commissioners are, no idea how it operates and are no better than those on the right going on about migrants all of the time. The entire debate has quite frankly been embarrassing.

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