As far as I know, ITV is an independent company and it is entirely up to them who they invite for their debates. Also Nigel Farage is actually the only political candidate who has been actually been consistent with his opinion regarding the EU, yet they now complain that he is on the debate
Gove & Boris are just another politicians with no consistency and change their positions depending what the popular opinion is. I don't remember hearing much from either Boris or Gove in the last 10 years arguing and pushing for a brexit. Now they come out of the woodwork and try to push back Farage, the actual person who actually pushed so much he got the government to give a referendum....
I wonder if we would have got a referendum if Farage didn't exist. I am sure Gove or Boris would have been vocal enough to get us one instead...oh wait.
And the Leave campaign is a shambles, they dismiss everything anyone says for Britain to remain, usually with the words "project fear", yet at the same time say we will swamped with immigrants, NHS will fail and terrorists bombs will be going off every where around us. Hmm sounds like a version of project fear to me...
Now on the news from Leave campaign that Mark Carney, should resign because he said there is a possibility of a recession(if we leave)...So much for freedom speech, the very same thing they are complain about the ITV for...
At the end of the day you should not listen to any side, because both of them are all about the propaganda. Listen to independent people from all around the world, who have very little to gain what ever the result. You will see they all seem to have a very similar view.