The EU Referendum: Polling Day

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I voted leave but do now somewhat regret it, for Britain I'd feel it's the right answer but I do worry about the impact on the other regions as well. Still, a vote is a vote among millions so mine alone won't change the tide and I'm happy enough knowing I feel it's part right anyway as it's the right decision (in my mind) for this country.

I convinced my girlfriend to vote remain as well, she doesn't care about politics as much, has no idea what is gonna happen if we leave and even trying to explain it she doesn't really seem to be able to make a decision so I told her to just vote for the status quo. Evened out in the end. Gonna be an interesting vote but what is with remainers still trying to be condascending even when it's no longer going to sway anyone? Are they just like that normally?

There isnt a status quo, the EU will change the next day... Well see how badly soon enough.
more statements that don't actually prove anything, eg scaremongering

Prove any of the assertions you've made, using actual evidence, which you've failed to provide thus far. Go on.

Prove that the British consulate in Ankara have a team that are working on Turkey's accession to the EU is any way unreasonable, or would you rather we didn't have an informed basis from which to make a decision on (hopefully) using our veto?

Prove that we are going to have an EU army, or that Britain is going to join it, just because some senior politicians in the EU want one.
Well I voted remain, I had been moved to the leave camp and I still feel in my heart that to leave would be better for farming, but when I looked into what leaving involved in terms of new trade deals and rewriting of laws, and the current batch of politicians (across all parties) who would be responsible for doing it, I losed the faith. Because from what I see, they couldn't run a ****up in a pub never mind rewrite the law to give us good law or good deals
You can apply for an emergency proxy vote until about 5 this afternoon so someone else can do it for you if you want.

Voted leave this morning. I've always been leave but i admit i did go more towards the center of the argument in the last few days. If it's remain which i think it's looking like it will be then i hope it's close because the EU need a kick up the backside and change.

Ideally it needs to be a bit smaller with only the strongest economies included but that wont happen.

Either way, if we remain or leave then we will still continue to be swept along in the currents of world events that we have virtually no control over anyway.

Please do not return your form to the Electoral Commission. Please note: this form can only be used
after 5pm, on the sixth working day before an election and must arrive at your electoral registration
office before 5pm on the day of the election. If you are not already registered to vote, your application
to register must have reached the Electoral Registration Officer by midnight, 12 working days before
the poll.

i don't think so ... maybe im wrong but that Bitcoin has sailed.
You think the EU has a democratic basis? How can you think this? The EU Commission is comprised of 28 unelected individuals who cannot be held individually to account, and further cannot be held to account by the UK voters, but yet have significant power to impose EU wide legislation on the UK. How is this a democratic system? If you care about democracy, how can you vote to hand any power over UK affairs to an unelected body? That's a vote against democracy.

I completely agree with you that the UK system of democracy needs reform. But our democracy is not furthered or helped by the unelected and unaccountable EU Commission imposing rules and regulations on the UK.

Tell me again about how the Civil Service in the UK is elected and accountable.
Well I voted remain, I had been moved to the leave camp and I still feel in my heart that to leave would be better for farming, but when I looked into what leaving involved in terms of new trade deals and rewriting of laws, and the current batch of politicians (across all parties) who would be responsible for doing it, I losed the faith. Because from what I see, they couldn't run a possible in a pub never mind rewrite the law to give us good law or good deals

This effectively amounts to trading your sovereignty/freedom for an easier life.

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