The EU Referendum: Polling Day

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Unless we join the EFTA, in which case we have to abide by EU laws (including freedom of movement) AND we don't even get a say in them any more. Top plan.

Didnt you get the Leave memo? We are going to negotiate an even better trade deal than the current free trade one with 500 million people. Somehow.

And then magical pixies will appear and Boris will give us all £5000 each.
Got £15000 saved up over last 10 years. Need about £20000 removed from the value of the houses in the area I want to buy so I can afford the size I want. Voting out to cause a housing price crash today. have a house? vote in! want a house? vote out!

Any 'crash' won't come about without huge increases in interest rates, following which you'll require a larger deposit % to purchase the house you want, not that you'll be able to afford the mortgage payments because of the interest hike and the rise of costs of goods & services leaving you with less disposable income, so you still won't be able to buy it anyway.
Huh, what's going on here? 354 votes - not a tiny number - and remain has a 7 percentage point advantage. On OcUK, where leave has been in the lead since day 1.

Is there a last-minute swing to remain? Do leave voters get up late?
I was thinking this. Be interesting to see what happens by the end of the day!
Is there a last-minute swing to remain?

I've been saying for months that if you look at historical referendums across the world, there is always a swing for the 'status quo'* at the end, as undecideds generally vote for 'no change'

* That's just referring to the status quo of the binary option, not that the EU will continue as it is.
Think it's the Bungee Jump swing you hear pollsters talk about right at the last minute bottle it and don't go for a change,opt for status quo instead.

Understandable really I've always said Remain will win, it'll be close, I was fairly confident the week during/ before Mrs. Cox Murder but that event did really stop the leave momentum. Before anyone starts I'm not using that as an excuse just the way I saw the campaign go.

Anyway Onwards to further integration.
I've been saying for months that if you look at historical referendums across the world, there is always a swing for the 'status quo'* at the end, as undecideds generally vote for 'no change'

* That's just referring to the status quo of the binary option, not that the EU will continue as it is.
I read somewhere that for any "exit" vote to leave they normally need to see a 10% swing in the polls.

Issue with that of course is that polling this kind of vote is pretty darn hard.
Huh, what's going on here? 354 votes - not a tiny number - and remain has a 7 percentage point advantage. On OcUK, where leave has been in the lead since day 1.

Is there a last-minute swing to remain? Do leave voters get up late?

I wonder if it's more that the OCUK Remainers have not been quite so frothy mouthed about it all, so weren't so fervent in their completing of previous polls.

I doubt there's been a real swing in OCUK opinion
Huh, what's going on here? 354 votes - not a tiny number - and remain has a 7 percentage point advantage. On OcUK, where leave has been in the lead since day 1.

Is there a last-minute swing to remain? Do leave voters get up late?

They are waiting for their dole money to come through to get the bus to the polling station :p
Traditionally the leave group are the most silent. I know in my office (london), if I said I voted 'LEAVE' everyone would probably attack me.
with a heavy heart i voted remain.

i am sad to say i have to think short term. as a business owner and with a young family its the short term that ultimately swayed my decision.

something i am not too happy about, but i felt i had no choice.

You are trolling right? Voting to remain because you're scared of a bit of turmoil for next 2-5 years.

This decision will be affecting the next few generations, **** the next couple years, this isn't a general election for Christ sake.

People need to think long to very long term, this is not a decision for the short sighted.
I just hope that if the decision is Remain, it's close enough to make the EU take note and kick start some change (although I'm not confident that will happen).

Will be quite glad to see the back of the whole thing now.
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