The EU Referendum: Polling Day

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26 May 2006
There is a lot of problems within the EU but isolating ourselves and not having a say in making meaningful changes seems a stupid thing to do.

I've voted to remain. I feel this will very much go the way of the Scottish Referendum, come voting time, people will stick with the status quo.
3 Jan 2010
I am still undecided, normal elections I am usually 90% certain but won't really make up my mind until I vote tonight
That's how I felt, I even tried to give myself some double checking of my opinion as I was walking to the polling station and questioned whether the EU had as much control as I thought, what areas they controlled and whether they was improving.

In the end I voted leave, I feel the EU let themselves down by not truly being any part of this debate. The MEP's most vocal were telling us to leave (UK MEP's) and the EU failing to communicate with the people again was just another sign that even when they slowed policy making down a lot they still didn't have time to answer to the public. They really don't engage or care about our opinions but I'll not rant on anyway, they are going to be on the chopping board in my opinion. Mostly old people at the polling station I was at too :p

Could go either way and I hope the best for britain and europe in the end but can't abide by a shadow democracy of unnacountables.
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