The EU Referendum: Polling Day

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18 Oct 2002
Finally decided to vote out after days on the fence. Ulimately decided so that we have more freedom on trade deals and the potintial to reduce red tape and waste. Also I think we are strong enough as a country to thrive in a worldwide market not just in europe.
29 Jul 2010
Finally decided to vote out after days on the fence. Ulimately decided so that we have more freedom on trade deals and the potintial to reduce red tape and waste. Also I think we are strong enough as a country to thrive in a worldwide market not just in europe.

You do realise that the Tory version of 'Removing EU red tape' is reducing the workers rights we all enjoy :p

Also there could be more actual red tape for businesses that import/export if we go back to the hassle of dealing with duties again.
25 Jul 2010
How can they leave Europe, when they cant even leave their beds!

Read this in the voice of that guy in Another Brick In The Wall by Pink Floyd.

Big remain vote from me, all very well if you have your own house and are near the end of your career to vote mainly on the principal of 'Britain is great and we can do what we want so I'll vote out', but for those of us a bit younger whose livelihoods and futures rely on economic stability it's a no brainer for me.

I also think the older generation is much more susceptible to the sovereignty and 'unelected officials' arguments, which I think are red herrings. We have plenty of unelected figures ourselves, Queenie, House of Lords etc.

Votes should be weighted more towards younger people as we have to live with the result for a lot longer! Sadly older people are much better at going out to vote so I'm actually quite worried on this one.
22 Oct 2004
I took Millie to the polling station today as it was very close to our normal route and I was told that she could not come in, when I asked why he pointed to a sign which I pointed out said "No dogs allowed" fair play he smiled and Millie joined me in the voting booth. Unfortunately I was not allowed to photograph her, that is definitely a no no.
So just a picture of her walking.

I took my 2 year old daughter with me today. I thought she wasn't going to be allowed in the booth with me, but they didn't mind.
9 Mar 2012
West Sussex, England
I hope this poll isn't accurate atm and that people hold their nerve to stick with leave. Have been leave all along, before the campaign started as these issues with the EU have been going on for years with things such as immigration. Hasn't been a lot of reform whilst we've been in it so I'm sticking with the leave and be free to govern ourselves. People fought for this countries independence, we need to remember some stiff upper lip and back bone. I'd rather our own government had a mandate to deliver real change rather than being an EU puppet. At least if the government doesn't deliver on that mandate I can choose to vote to kick them out.

If it were such a great thing to have free movement why haven't bigger countries outside the EU adopted that policy. Australia has had a points system since for as long as I can remember. We'll be able to accept the best from outside the EU who want to come here and start businesses and create more jobs rather than suppressing non EU migration because we can't do anything about the free movement from within the EU. What we need is some control that is applied regardless of where but on what skills benefit the country. What we want is a stronger economy based on knowledge rather than cheap competing labour. They'll be less demand for cheap labour in the future as we make less and less and will never compete with china etc on that basis. If you have a stronger knowledge based economy that pays better wages that will return far greater tax receipts than one that is skewed more towards cheap labour that in the most part pay very little in tax on national minimum wage but still require the use of all the countries services.

Vote leave your country needs you!
5 Mar 2010
Starting to even out...

64 votes - 56.25% IN, 43.75% OUT
153 votes - 56.86% IN, 43.14% OUT
250 votes - 52% IN, 48% OUT

12 hours to go.
22 Jun 2004
Deep England
We'll see if your scaremongering and project fear has won or not later I guess.

We'll see if my evidence based predictions were accurate in a few years time.

-Cameron's 'emergency brake' to halt EU migrants benefits will never be applied.
-UK's gross liability to the EU will increase from £350m a week to >£500m a week by 2020. Rebate to be slashed another 20%. CAP still won't be reformed;
-Turkey will join the EU by 2022;
-An EU Army reporting to the European Commission will be created by 2030. EU will spend less than 1% on defence budget, making the EU army totally ineffective;
-Widespread poverty and social deprivation in most EU-NUTS;
-Top 0.1% of population's wealth has increased by 100% by 2040 in real terms.
-More terror attacks across Europe;
-Switzerland, Norway and Iceland's economies continue to thrive outside the EU.
20 Mar 2006
I still haven't decided, will be voting about 6pm tonight.

From being in the middle I went to leave back to the middle and now towards remain. The Brexit propaganda is so enticing, even this morning seeing it in the metro paper I felt a stir, but I have forced myself to step back and fact check in the last week and the facts paint a much more mundane story.

Brexit camp have failed to convince me mainly due to the lack of information on the kinds of deals we could strike. It seems strange that the leave camp have not completely ruled out being an EEA member as the EEA still has free movement policy. If we do not enter the EEA then we will need to strike deals with all 27 members from scratch.

Also the process in which we would need to reformulate all of our laws and regulations has not been explained. This would be a massively costly exercise and be open to it's own abuses.

Will decide when the paper is in front of me.
7 Feb 2008
It will be the same old story when it comes to voting. People moan about x and y in their lives all year round, year after year. They say they want it to change, then when election day comes around they bottle it and decide they dont want to risk the change and instead vote to keep the devil they know in power. This will be no different, people will be too afraid of the risk and end up bottling it and keeping the devil they know instead.

Just look at the poll currently...its been Leave leading in every single poll on here since the polling threads starting....but come the day of the actual vote, suddenly remain lead.

Yes am thinking the same thing, many people will be afraid of change and vote to remain to maintain the status quo. Obviously not saying everyone will vote remain for this reason, but it will be large enough to ensure remain win.
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