Can someone explain to me why leaving the EU means we leave the EEA?
Because I don't think it does...
The thing you seem to not realise is the Government want the immigration, so the numbers won't change after the referendum either way
Can someone explain to me why leaving the EU means we leave the EEA?
Because I don't think it does...
We cannot continue the trend of mass immigration without increasing the number of houses being built significantly!
The costs of not being in a single market are something that can't be ignored though. Border controls come at a very high cost.
Why don't we, you know, build some more houses then?
Governments change though, once British sovereignty is transferred to Brussels then it ain't coming back.
What I don't want is a situation where the UK government promises to cut immigration to the tens of thousands, and then doesn't, because EU rules prevent them from doing so. We should be holding our government to account, if they promise to cut net migration to the tens of thousands but fail then they should be hauled over the coals. Once Britain controls its own borders, there is no reason why net migration can't be cut to this level, so if they fail to do so it's because of their own incompetence, not because we've transferred control of our borders to Brussels who don't particular care about the costs associated with uncontrolled migration on British people.
Governments change though, <snip>
Once Britain controls its own borders, there is no reason why net migration can't be cut to this level,
Because the UK isn't in the EEA it's the EU block that's in the EEA you leave the block and you then have to apply to join or at least re-negotiate your membership.
We are. Problem is that when you have to build a new city the size of Cardiff every year then it's not easier.
Re-imposing border controls is much easier and less costly.
We are. Problem is that when you have to build a new city the size of Cardiff every year then it's not easier. Re-imposing border controls is much easier and less costly.
The UK was ok when it was called the common market. If the boarder controls are run as they should there is no extra cost.
Freedom of movement, which is a reason why a lot of people want to leave the EU, is actually a requirement of being part of the EEA.
Scorza Brussels doesn't want to control the UK.
It's the priniciple of subsidiarity and proportionality one of the treaty articles
Scorza Brussels doesn't want to control the UK.
But the underlying issue of an ageing population and declining birthrate don't change with a change of Government
Yes there is, because they are working on the premise we need these levels of immigration to counteract the problem above.
Building a new city the size of Cardiff every year would be a great boost to the construction industry. Think of all those jobs it would create.
My understanding is that the birthrate in the UK is booming at the moment.
Because of the immigrants....