Poll: The EU Referendum: What Will You Vote? (New Poll)

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

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imho, its a huge mistake exiting the EU all together. Block out all the stuff thats bothering you but leaving the Germans play ball alone is a recipe for disaster, plus it somewhat isolates the nation.

In any way i hope this hilarious so called "union" implodes.

PS someone tell Farage the fate of the british steel industry is to be decided by the multinationals not by any british government, what a populist!
imho, its a huge mistake exiting the EU all together. Block out all the stuff thats bothering you but leaving the Germans play ball alone is a recipe for disaster, plus it somewhat isolates the nation.

In any way i hope this hilarious so called "union" implodes.

PS someone tell Farage the fate of the british steel industry is to be decided by the multinationals not by any british government, what a populist!

So you want us to stay in, then hope it all implodes? No thanks.
i have seen the UK not trying enough (or rather apathetic) to lead the union, thats what i can tell. Do you honesty believe the UK is the kid in the corner nobody wants to play with in the EU? not really.
Try reading that again

Cameron's incompetence is a reflection on himself not on the EU

Sigh. Since you have difficult with reading comprehension, let me try again: No, the fall in Indian students is not due to a claim down on bogus colleges.

Your arguments aren't really all that complex, so you can be assured that I understand them. Maybe if you tried addressing my points you might understand mine (or maybe you do understand them but are unable to come up with a response).

Cameron is many things but he isn't incompetent, he knew he had to get a deal and he got a deal (by the skin of his teeth). No-one else would have got a better deal imo. Rule one of negotiation is don't enter negotiations in a position of weakness, while we're in the EU we will always be in a position of weakness because we've given away our power and influence.
Oh, and one other thing to note about all this: unlike the Scottish referendum where the party arguing to leave is also the party who would negotiate the outcome after the vote; in the EU referendum the Tories will still be in government and it is their government that will negotiate the outcome. Farage can wail and scream all he likes: he, and his party, won't be at the table when the negotiations happen.

If Cameron remains in charge it's likely that he - as a Remain campaigner - will seek the safety of the EEA and the "Norway Option". If he's not in charge it will depend which of the potential leaders replace him. Even then, it's quite likely that a future government may seek to take us into the EEA even if we stay out for a while.
Funny thing about sterling taking a hammering allegedly because of Boris is that I want to buy an expensive (4Kish) item but now the British option is looking much more attractive than it was compared to the Australian, American and European equivalents.

So with that perspective maybe a drop actually helps us in some ways. I know I'd be helping to support jobs in the UK buying our domestic product but the foreign ones are "cooler".
I said it was the best. But as normal you've to change it..oh dear.

Best for whom? Have you already run the comparative studies? Interesting.

But as normal you've to change it..oh dear.

Oh, the way you went on about a 'cost-free', total-information system in the US made it sound pretty perfect. There's no need to 'change' anything. Of course, you ignored all of the American system's problems wholesale, but hey, you ignore many things! There's more to immigration and border control than merely experiencing the system, and thinking, hey, why not!

Those wanting to come here will show much they do by paying their way.

Why should they show us anything if we need them and their skills?

Now, since you're so demented about transferring the costs on the applicants themselves -- tell me, deuse, how much would they need to pay for the system to break even? Do you know what you're even asking for?

More or less than the US? Australia? Better than free in Europe? What would be your sales pitch to the skilled worker thinking of the UK as one of his possible destinations, specifically? What about students? Researchers?

And you also need to think about:

  • Who pays for the initial expansion of the points based system other than the UK government? Why?
  • How would you justify discouraging highly skilled migrants in the climate of skill shortages?
  • Why should we risk crippling the competitiveness of our businesses and academia on a Brexit gambit, just when we need them to be competitive the most?
  • Why put further red-tape and burden on the NHS, who do need the staff? They aren't faring that well under the p.b.s. now, with the Home Secretary having to intervene.
  • Why impose a greater regulatory burden and costs on our companies? I thought the point of getting out of Europe was to reduce both from your angle.
  • Is Brexit likely to cause the cost of meeting the sponsorship rules for companies to rise beyond £500,000 (the common estimate in the current system for non-EU migrants)?
    And what proportion of our businesses would be able to afford that?
  • Considering the debacle-laden story of Universal Credit, and other major recent public system roll-outs, how likely are we to have the newly expanded system up and running without major flaws? Delays?
  • If the government drops the ball, should we just ask the applicants and businesses for more cash or borrow more or raid some other budgetary element?
  • If we rush it come what may, where's the money going to come from again?

Think about it.
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Funny thing about sterling taking a hammering allegedly because of Boris is that I want to buy an expensive (4Kish) item but now the British option is looking much more attractive than it was compared to the Australian, American and European equivalents.

So with that perspective maybe a drop actually helps us in some ways. I know I'd be helping to support jobs in the UK buying our domestic product but the foreign ones are "cooler".

If only works if we don't need to import anything. So I guess as long as you're buying expensive precisely manufactured goods then you're fine, but if you wanted to buy almost anything else then it's not so good.
Seems like the Tories are tearing themselves apart over this, even talk of a vote of no confidence in Cameron.The next few months are going to be interesting.
Because we do a lot of trade with the EU?

Actually, instead of arguing with me about it: here's the argument from a Leave campaigner.

No because the EEA has free movement, and that's what we don't want.

Best for whom? .

For the United Kingdom. All the rest you talked about is utter rubbish.
And in my other country the USA, you have prove you want to be there and have the cash to prove it.
And if you did anything wrong in the first 10 years like rape, then your out on you ass.

And it's about time companies trained people up and not get cheap labour from where ever.
Sounds to me like you have some vested interest in letting gimmigrents in ;)

Why put further red-tape and burden on the NHS, who do need the staff? They aren't faring that well under the p.b.s. now, with the Home Secretary having to intervene

The top cancer surgeon said it's the EU immigrants causing the back log, because EU law says
that if they come here for the cancer treatment we have to give it to them. That's just wrong.
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No because the EEA has free movement, and that's what we don't want.

That's what you don't want. Not all Brexiters feel the same. The problem you have is that you can't be sure what scenario is going to play out after a 'No' vote. It's quite plausible that the UK will end up with free movement even after a 'No' vote.
Anyone got the footnotes of Pros/Cons of either side?

Leave: We get governed by the UK Parliament in London
In: We get governed by the EU in Brussels.

Which is the pro and which is the con I'm afraid you're going to have to make up your own mind on. No-one has a crystal ball which can tell us the future.
For me, the risk of Turkey gaining accession to the EU, along with Merkel's open invitation for the Islamic Colonisation of Europe are the key drivers for me sitting in the out camp.

Assuming we actually do vote "out", the next step is holding the crooks and liars in parliament to account, and introducing a more selective immigration policy.

This video is pretty relevant to the point in hand, and I will take great pleasure in posting it next time one of my idiotic pro-immigration friends posts some refugees welcome on FB!
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