Do we have the equivalent of the European Arrest Warrant with the US? No. There's an drawn-out extradition process.
Which isn't an intelligence sharing issue, it's a judicial one.
Do we have the equivalent of the European Arrest Warrant with the US? No. There's an drawn-out extradition process.
I agree. We need immigration and the current level is probably roughly correct.
We are already severely hindering those outside of the EU from coming here and working to the detriment of the country. Having to earn over £35,000 to stay is not good for the country that needs nurses and teachers. This policy makes no sense. I'd like to see more immigration from our past commonwealth countries. I'm sure there are many Americans, Chinese etc who will also want to work here, not forgetting we are not completing closing the boarder with the EU. We could have a preferential fast track VISA agreement with these countries.
I agree. We need immigration and the current level is probably roughly correct.
I repeat, immigrants are a vital resource for the economy and it's irrelevant where they come from. Most of you eurosceptics are concerned about immigration and you cite the corrosion of culture, values, the loss of jobs and other issues to support that view. But if those peoblems were real, Britain could decrease the non-Eu immigration, which consists of people from far different cultures, lower skills etc. This would be much easier than the adventure of leaving the EU.
My point is the concerns you express are not real, they are excuses to have a xenophobic attitude.
Have you seen UK entry requirements for non-EU nationals? It's high, the reason we accept so many is because it would be folly to turn them away when we have streets of unskilled dross coming in unchecked with their guides on how to claim as many benefits as possible for as little work as possible.
You don't understand how immigration works do you? Let me put it in simple terms. Non-EU immigrants have requirements to meet in order to be accepted. These are designed to increase the quality (skills, English etc. ) of the immigrants. EU are free to move about, no requirements whatsoever. Despite this, EU migrants have better qualifications and English skills. They bring in more tax revenue. Think about what this means for a second. If high quality American or Chinese migrants wanted to come to Britain they could do so now. Decreasing the amount of EU migrants will decrease the median quality of migrants the country receives. Teachers and nurses from the rest of the world won't magically flood Britain just because it leaves the Eu. They are much more likely to be found within the Eu.
Approximately 50,000 people a year is the correct level of net migration for the UK. Current levels are six times that and are unsustainable.
We would not be stopping ourselves from importing labour from EU. I proposed a simplified and preferential VISA process for those in the EU. The only thing I'd like to see is less discrimination for those outside the EU.
Yet our jobless rate is still decreasing. What is causing problems with the current level is lack of investment in public services and housing.
In for me but then I am atypical as I see myself as European before British.
Wow an unusual view that is, I'm English first, British second and would never ever consider myself even remotely European.
As regards the referendum if it does take place and by some miracle we vote out, we will never leave I think that has been made very clear.
Approximately 50,000 people a year is the correct level of net migration for the UK. Current levels are six times that and are unsustainable. Coincidentally today a report came out highlighting the five least integrated towns and cities in the UK, it's no surprise that the places with the highest levels of immigration suffer from the highest amount of social integration issues.
If we vote to leave; we'll leave. We may well end up agreeing to large chunks of the same treaties afterwards, though.
The poll really needs an "undecided" option, and probably a "won't vote" option for those that don't care, or just won't bother.