Peter Sillars recognises the hypocrisy of wanting Scottish rule for Scotland but then giving up Scottish rule to be governed by Brussels !!
Does not compute !!
Also.. CON-niving shenannigans ?
Try again. Considering the current constitutional arrangement, Scotland would have far more powers and opportunities (especially as part of the Nordic group) in the EU than in Brexit Britain.
And even if the Scots said no to gambling on the price of oil before, further economic squeezes may just force their hand in joining the larger Union and, as per SNP rhetoric, the lesser of the two evils. Plus the EU would be happy to inject more cash into the region to smooth its transition, following any re-admission negotiations and in line with their regional development policy. This on its own wouldn't work for Salmond and Sturgeon now, but pressed to follow Westminster lead into a Brexit, their case would be strong enough for another vote on independence.
What could we offer them then? We're struggling to fully implement DevoMax to everyone's satisfaction as it is.
As for your unrelated video bender: Do I really need to bring Arron Banks out of your purple closet? Really now.
Is there money in politics? Yes. Is some of it linked directly to vested interests? Of course. Does it increasingly mirror the American model? Yes. Is it desirable? No! Is the EU to blame for this state of affairs? Erm... no!
rawuk said:
Being a little under informed on the operations of the EU
In summary: There are checks and balances. The chief principle being proportional representation and consensus politics. So both the size of your population and the strength of your economy matter. However, QMV and other grouping arrangements protect weaker/smaller members of the bloc.
Re Putin: A weakened or disintegrated EU basically hands him a strategic victory he never bargained for by default. Something he desperately needs with his list of gambits and flagging economy, which will be coming to the fore in the next couple of years.
Furthermore, unlike Obama's administration, Putin's foreign policy works directly against our interests in Europe and further abroad; won't cry over precious tax roubles spent on proxy wars; and will completely laugh in the face of any sanctions Britain can impose on its own, especially if the financial hub of the bloc moves out of London.
Now's the time to work with our allies -- and the economic foundations that support them -- not stab them in the back!