Poll: The EU Referendum: What Will You Vote?

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

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The UK will benefit from the moment it leaves the EU Why?
The UK pays in much more than it pays out
The UK pays benefits to millions more EU citizens than UK citizens in Europe.
The Balance of payments with the EU. The UK buys much more than it sells
A federal system can only work among equals the member states are far from being equal with each other - either financially or culturally ( suppose Mad Merkel was to leaver Turkey into the EU a fundamentalist Islamic Government with very dubious ideas on democracy ( them Kurd's aint purrin pussies) It would be good to see Atatürk return.
The Eu is an Unelected Bureaucracy
The trading group such as that to which the UK belonged prior to the EU would be quite adequate
The UK will benefit from the moment it leaves the EU Why?

The UK will suffer significant negative economic effects due to the uncertainties around leaving, regardless of what is negotiated for afterwards.

The UK pays in much more than it pays out

This is true; but it's also a false assumption to assume that the difference is easily recoupable. The UK would need to take on many of the functions that the EU carry out and the setup and on-going costs of these functions would not be zero. It's not at all clear that the UK would make significant savings in the long term and even less clear that the short term costs wouldn't outweigh any savings.

The Eu is an Unelected Bureaucracy

The EU has both elected and unelected elements. The unelected elements are either (a) directly accountable to elected governments or (b) operate according to rules agreed by elected governments and elected elements.

The trading group such as that to which the UK belonged prior to the EU would be quite adequate

What makes you think that's attainable? If we want unimpeded access to the EU markets we will - almost certainly - have to agree to core principles such as freedom to work. Moreover, we will find ourselves bound by a host of legislation that we no longer have any control over. Why is this preferable?
The UK would need to take on many of the functions that the EU carry out and the setup and on-going costs of these functions would not be zero. It's not at all clear that the UK would make significant savings in the long term and even less clear that the short term costs wouldn't outweigh any savings.

What functions would these be?
out. why have a system that is not representative of our populas impose laws upon us? outoutoutoutout.

we're still way off PR in UK, the EU is a billion miles from PR.
Seems I voted before but I'd still voted out. I have zero faith in Merkel and Germany at the present moment, and it isn't improving.
As incompetent as EU border forces are these days, I'd still expect them to catch a wanted man if he used his passport when entering the EU. He got into the EU somehow and not through legitimate means.

As already mentioned at least one got in on false documents. Do you really think putting up border posts at roads into France would make any difference?

I'm not some super terror group but if the EU started putting in border posts again i'd just get out of the car and walk across a field near the road. Unless of course you're an advocate of thousands of miles of barbed wire and fencing?

It would be fairly easy to get across Europe without a passport, the only worry would be random police checks, which are completely unrelated to immigration and free movement. The UK has a major advantage in the 20 mile wide bit of water, which is why we can sustain passport control a lot easier than other european countries. The biggest problem was the fact all got back into the EU so easily.
Are we? There might be some perception of it but I am not entirely sure this is the case in reality.

The difference now is real time media and the fact you can get from one side of earth to the other in less than 24 hours.

50 years ago it took weeks, 150 years ago it took months.
A host of regulatory functions. What is it you think the EU does?

I was under the impression that most EU directives are put in place as UK laws and covered by UK regulators. I was genuinely curious as to which functions are actually run by the EU.

I am generally pro-EU (though it needs serious reform).
As already mentioned at least one got in on false documents. Do you really think putting up border posts at roads into France would make any difference?

It'd give them a chance of stopping them, which is better than the zero chance they have now with no borders. Would it not be a good idea to check people's passports at a border, and if they're fake, detain the holder for questioning? Let's say, a jihadi arrived in Greece with a fake passport - work out how many borders they would have to cross to get to France. Each border represents a chance of stopping them - it doesn't need to be 100% it just needs to be high enough to make them judge their operation as too high risk.

I'm not some super terror group but if the EU started putting in border posts again i'd just get out of the car and walk across a field near the road. Unless of course you're an advocate of thousands of miles of barbed wire and fencing?

It would be fairly easy to get across Europe without a passport, the only worry would be random police checks, which are completely unrelated to immigration and free movement. The UK has a major advantage in the 20 mile wide bit of water, which is why we can sustain passport control a lot easier than other european countries. The biggest problem was the fact all got back into the EU so easily.

I remember traveling across western Europe when the Cold War was still on - it wouldn't be as easy as you think. You don't need a Great Wall across your entire border, a lot of ancient borders are determined by natural obstacles such as rivers or mountain ranges. Each illegal crossing of a border is a chance to catch a wrong'un.
Times have changed....masses of people commute across borders daily particularly here at the intersection of Belgium/Holland/France/Germany. Bringing back any kind of meaningful border would be an expensive logistical nightmare. And anyone that didn't want to show their passport would just go around the checkpoints.

I don't see the cost/benefit for abolishing Shengen being anything remotely close to viable.
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