What EU immigration laws stop the UK form allowing non EU nationals into the UK?
Non-EU nationals are allowed into the UK, it's just a lot harder for them to get in than it is for EU nationals because of Brussels' racist laws.
What EU immigration laws stop the UK form allowing non EU nationals into the UK?
Non-EU nationals are allowed into the UK, it's just a lot harder for them to get in than it is for EU nationals because of Brussels' racist laws.
Did I say it did? To clarify, I meant that the EU's immigration laws unfairly favour immigrants from EU countries, which they do.
Which laws?
Oh so I misunderstood you guys from the very beginning - you want to abandon all border control rather than tighten it. You want immigrants from all nations to have automatic right to remain like EU members?
No mate we just want to treat all immigrants equally irrespective of nationality.
Trifid's story was about how Aussie teacher didn't get her visa extended due to some sort of clerical error, so what you guys are proposing - it's only fair to treat everyone equally unfairly?
Trifid's story was about how Aussie teacher didn't get her visa extended due to some sort of clerical error, so what you guys are proposing - it's only fair to treat everyone equally unfairly?
Is it really such a wacky idea that the UK should be able to turn away the human trash that can freely come here from inside the EU? Just as we turn away the human trash from outside the EU and human trash like myself is not permitted to live and work in most other countries without being deserving of it.
"Human trash"
Freedom to live and work within the EU is rightly viewed by most citizens of the EU as one of it's key benefits and a cornerstone of the free market. We don't just extend freedom to live and work to other EU countries, they extend the reciprocal right to us and millions of UK citizens take advantage of those benefits.
Well, since Britain is not part of the Schengen agreement, it means EU doesn't have any input in creating its non-EU immigration policies. If you want all immigrants to have automatic right to remain, just get a petition running or contact your MP etc.
But that's not really what you want, right? You just want to disguise it with veil of equality.
"Human trash"
Freedom to live and work within the EU is rightly viewed by most citizens of the EU as one of it's key benefits and a cornerstone of the free market. We don't just extend freedom to live and work to other EU countries, they extend the reciprocal right to us and millions of UK citizens take advantage of those benefits.
Yes Brits are flooding out of Dover to be picker/packers in Romania, how could we be so short-sighted as to throw away this right.
Is it really worth having our sovereignty eroded for the sake of filling in some forms when you have to travel abroad?
No mate we just want to treat all immigrants equally irrespective of nationality. What we don't want are racist EU laws that effectively mean we have to tell for example, a builder from India "sorry mate we can't let you in even though you're the most qualified person for the job" because builders from EU countries get preferential treatment.
A lot of the general population don't understand the difference between the EU and Europe.
Out. Asap.
Around 1.8 million Brits currently live in the EU, benefiting from the rights granted by the EU freedom to live and work and since there's a constant churn of people going in both directions that means that there is a much larger figure for the number of people from the UK who benefit from our arrangement over their lifetime.
What erosion of sovereignty are you talking about specifically? It is inevitable that when dealing with the wider world we will need to make compromises with other nations; leaving the EU won't change that.
Actually there are more British expats living in non-EU countries than the EU
This idea that if we left the EU then Brits would suddenly not be welcome in the EU is absurd.
On the other hand, staying in the EU is harming our relationship with other countries we've previously enjoyed excellent relationships with. For example, due to the EU's immigration rules we've had to cut the number of visas we give to Australian citizens. The Australian government isn't happy about this and is threatening to do the same (Source)
As part of the EU we don't make compromises with other nations at all - the EU does it for us. That's an erosion of sovereignty. By leaving the EU Britain would be free to make better deals for ourselves with other countries.