I don't know what pathetic point you're trying to make. Just because I live and work in the UK now doesn't mean I won't benefit in the future or - since my partner is German and enjoys the EU freedom to work right now - that I don't benefit right now.
How will any of that change by leaving the EU? So you have to fill in a bit of paper and have some checks done - big deal.
Nothing is more important than the defence of the realm and free movement of people undermines that, and I feel really sorry for the European people in t he Schengen area who are finding this out now.
Who says they have "no trouble"? Just because people do something doesn't mean they have "no trouble" doing that thing.
Ultimately the only evidence of whether a law is having the desired effect is to examine the actual usage of it. Perhaps if there were less than 10,000 Brits who have emigrated to Australia it might be indicative of a problem, but with over a million it is impossible for it to be a troublesome process.
So.... in other words people wanting to emigrate benefit from having no barriers?
And the people who live in nations without a free-movement agreement lose out. It's unfair to discriminate on the basis of nationality imo (apart from countries we're at war with).
No, it's not. For it to be zero sum the total number of people immigrating would have to be fixed. It isn't. Therefore it isn't zero sum. This isn't hard.
Brussels doesn't allow us to have a fixed number of people emigrating to the UK, or we would have one. Nevertheless, the more people who come here from the EU, the fewer people from non-EU countries we can take. That is common sense.
Which could be solved if we had a government that was willing to invest while the economic benefits of migration help our economy grow. On jobs specifically, all the evidence shows that migration has no negative effect on employment levels.
'Afford'? Migrants* add to our economy not take from it.
Oh yeah - I forgot you actually believe that a job would be created for everyone who wants one. Unemployment doesn't exist at all in make-believe, unicorn, chocolate-gingerbread land.
Basically the pro-EU arguments consists solely of dodgy academic studies (e.g. the one that shows all migrants are a net economic benefit but fails to take into account that one day a percentage of those migrants will become a net drain on the economy) and outrageous scaremongering (e.g. Brits will no longer be able to live in France or Spain).