Is it really such a wacky idea that the UK should be able to turn away the human trash that can freely come here from inside the EU? (..) Yes Brits are flooding out of Dover to be picker/packers in Romania, how could we be so short-sighted as to throw away this right.
Maybe not picker/packer in Romania, but what about beaches of Spain and Portugal filled with British expats after they sold their council houses in South East for six figures?

Is it really worth having our sovereignty eroded for the sake of filling in some forms when you have to travel abroad?
You would have to explain first how Kasia picking fruit or Andrei cleaning toilets actually erodes "our sovereignty"
Well of course I don't want that lol - that's a ridiculous notion. All I want is what's best for Britain and her citizens. I just want Britain to be a nice place to live, attract the best people from around the world to do the jobs with the skills we lack. Currently the racist EU rules prevent us from doing that by forcing us to discriminate unfairly in favour of citizens from EU countries.
EU rules don't prevent or discriminate at all, in fact it's the opposite. It tells you to treat all subjects under its care equally. EU rules also do not dictate how Britain treat work immigrants from other countries. But then again - the point is - you are just dressing up your true nationalist manifesto under false pretence (pretending some EU rules are "racist" etc). It's the worst thing you can do, because you are asterisking your message, then you have to finish it and the disguise is very short lived.
You are saying "I don't think it is fair we allow everyone from EU to stay and work, but don't afford Aussies or Indians the same right*", but the pretence is so obvious you immediately have to disclose the rest of the message "I think we should strip that right from everyone".
Not only you treat your adversaries as if they were stupid, but the way you create it suggests that you know what's right - you know equality - as in - freedom of movement across the board, for all - would be noble and righteous enough idea to disguise your exact opposite cause as.
That kind of prevarication is useless to propaganda. It is as if some Nazi said "I don't think it was fair to single out Jews and Gipsies as sub human and selectively mistreat them" and then immediately had to add "because all non-Germans are sub human and all of them should be sorted out equally". If you are going to feign something bad or unpopular as virtue, it cannot have that kind of asterisk/follow up. It should standalone, self supporting and self sustaining - try something like "I don't support EU's freedom of movement, because I'm afraid Britain attracts and absorbs the most entrepreneurial workers from countries that need their best and vanguard workforce to become more prosperous". (whacks against table). There!