only stay in if we can regulate on what public services incoming EU migrants have access to. Not fair if people arrive here and can straight away claim for housing, child care, etc.
Or perhaps our benefits are just too generous, and the system too easy to game.
There has to be a reason that people associate the UK with benefits paradise. Without that pull, you wouldn't need to discriminate.
Certain questions do spring to mind. Why are the vast majority of (asylum) immigrants housed in London, where rents are generally the most expensive? Why do you hear stories of unemployed families receiving 30k + worth of benefits? More than many people earn?
It's such stories that create the idea that Britain is throwing money at people in benefits, even if such cases are the minority it's still wrong. I'd be in favour of moving the long-term benefit claimants out of expensive London suburbs, to somewhere cheaper. Send them up North

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