Poll: The EU Referendum: What Will You Vote?

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

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Well Australia currently has one of the toughest immigration systems in the world (there's a reason why Farage wants to emulate it) and the current frontrunner for the US presidential irace s currently planning a wall to keep Mexicans out and completely banning anyone belonging to the largest religion on Earth from even entering the country.

So not sure they are the best example of countries embracing immigration or equating it to success.

That's unrelated to the point I was making. I was replying to a very specific point made by sports _brah.

Having wide swathes of differing cultures with the net effect of reducing homogeneity in the nation will also not lead to future success.

Specifically discussing how a lack of homogeneity has not affected the success of three major countries.
Personally, I will vote to remain within the EU.
Firstly, the two biggest issues which stand out to me as possible justifications for staying within the EU - immigration and national sovereignty - are ones which aren't major issues for me personally; in fact, in some ways, I actually view the immigration provided by the EU, and the loss of national sovereignty as a positive thing in a way.

Certainly, we need immigration (to an extent) to support our aging population and to promote economic growth, though of course more of the issue is to the extent to which this is necessary - undoubtedly there are negative impacts on lower skilled labourers, which is something of concern to me (though I won't pretend that I'm not somewhat detached from this issue; and I certainly do not care for any claims of so-called 'damage' to British cultural homogeneity)...but the economic benefits appear (for me) far too great to use this as a justification to leave the EU.
And leaving the EU would also be bad as, in an age of globalisation (and at a time where cliamte change is becoming an ever more prominent issue), we would lose access to a framework through which European states can effectively act in a collective manner; Britain's exit, as well as damaging this in and of itself, could also hurt further efforts to promote collective international action, which is of course more difficult outside of a sovereignty-taking organisation like the EU and which is of vital importance.

Lord Hague gives more reasons to vote us out of the EU.

Lovelyheed and all the other cyber-nats are duty bound to vote No in the referendum to achieve their dream of being dependent on Brussels.
I vote we leave, then we can start thinking about splitting up the rest of the UK, which will inevitably follow

I am really quite unsure of general sentiment on the issue, but do you both find that this view (of wanting to break up the UK) is widely held? And why is it that you both yourselves wish to see the breakup of the UK? I myself feel quite an attachment to Britain, what, with our shared successes and general history...I still refer to myself as 'British' rather than 'English'; it really is quite odd how viewpoints have shifted so rapidly, given that not too long ago a sense of British identity was probably stronger than individual national identities...and now it seems both the Scots and the English are clamoring for an exit! (Though I think the English are probably a tad more apathetic about the issue...)
It's interesting how close this poll actually is here. I was expecting a much higher number of people wanting to remain a member.
It's interesting how close this poll actually is here. I was expecting a much higher number of people wanting to remain a member.

We've had another few people say the opposite aswell with GD traditionally viewed as right wing :)

I've made my mind up along time ago, it will literally boil down to the fence sitters but even though I'd like a brexit, I think it's gonna be a remain vote and then we will fully cement the UK into the ever-growing political union
I am really quite unsure of general sentiment on the issue, but do you both find that this view (of wanting to break up the UK) is widely held? And why is it that you both yourselves wish to see the breakup of the UK? I myself feel quite an attachment to Britain, what, with our shared successes and general history...I still refer to myself as 'British' rather than 'English'; it really is quite odd how viewpoints have shifted so rapidly, given that not too long ago a sense of British identity was probably stronger than individual national identities...and now it seems both the Scots and the English are clamoring for an exit! (Though I think the English are probably a tad more apathetic about the issue...)

I'd prefer to remain British but it's too late, Britain was doomed the moment Tony Blair devolved power to Edinburgh which he thought would always guarantee a Labour government north of the border. Now with the inevitable rise of the SNP the relationship is just growing more and more bitter all the time (see the latest cybernat's comments on David Bowie), better to just get it over with and maintain some sort of working relationship with Scotland. My contention is that Northern Ireland should go with Scotland since it was Scottish immigrants who settled Ulster for "Britain". England and Wales seem to get on alright for the most part at the moment.

The EU has said it's ok for bosses to spy on it's workers! Yay for workers rights!

Actually, that's not what they said at all. Don't trust the daily mail.

[edit] The actual judgement is worth reading as the reporting on this case is terrible.

Also: what platypus said. This is not the EU.
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The EU has said it's ok for bosses to spy on it's workers! Yay for workers rights!


You probably need to do some reading.

If nothing else, the "article" - if one can give it so lofty a title - you even linked says quite plainly that the ECHR made the ruling. The ECHR is not the EU.

It does beg the question how many more so poorly informed voters will make the same connection as you though.
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It's interesting how close this poll actually is here. I was expecting a much higher number of people wanting to remain a member.

Really? :confused: I'm surprised it's not in favour of leaving. As mentioned above, this forum is generally regarded as pretty right wing. I was expecting considerably more people to vote to leave.
see the latest cybernat's comments on David Bowie.

I take it you read that guff in the Daily Mail? It's Scottish sister paper, the Daily Record also ran a story about how 'nats' where abusive towards Bowie when in reality, a little investigation into said tweets, revealed half of them (two, yes only two) where made by peeps with Union Jacks as their background pics. There where also pictures from Ibrox within their accounts so they where certainly not 'nats'. There is nothing like the gutter press to stir up some lies. A simple attempt by the Labour loving Record to discredit the SNP.

Oh, and I voted Yes in the poll so no malarkey about trying to secure a No vote in order to force another Indy ref from me and to be honest, it's the first I've heard about it.
This debate between are Nige and an annoying Labour man happened the other day, doesn't seem to be getting much attention. Some good points on both side but I found the Labour guy insufferable with his constant interruption. The Welsh audience were most banterous.

Watched that earlier , good viewing i thought , was actually a fairly balanced representation for the audience .

Farage again a cut above the rest .

Like a point what a young lad said about the Remain campaign are really negative and put Britain down , while the Leave campaign are really positive about British post exits future ,
It's all very well being positive, but you need some data to actually back up what you're saying.

Much like the Scottish Independence. It's really easy to come up with a rose tinted viewpoint, harder to provide real facts to back that up.
It's all very well being positive, but you need some data to actually back up what you're saying.

Much like the Scottish Independence. It's really easy to come up with a rose tinted viewpoint, harder to provide real facts to back that up.

How are you supposed to collect data about the future, and can i please have tomorrows lottery numbers? :o
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