Poll: The EU Referendum: What Will You Vote?

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

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because I work there.....

I don't think AB would leave the UK. But there again what if another country told AB they would have big tax breaks to bring the work there?

Nothing is set in stone and no job is safe.
I used to work for all the car\F1 engine makers and thought my job was safe.
Well that's until all the work was shipped off to Hungry.

But the real kick in the teeth was that they wanted me and others to train them :mad: I left then and there.
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I don't think AB would leave the UK.

Nothing is set in stone and no job is safe.
I used to work for all the car\F1 engine makers and thought my job was safe.
Well that's until all the work was shipped off to Hungry.

well we're safe for at least 8 years with current orders.

but the issue isn't closing its say when the company makes the replacement for the 320 family, currently no questions asked wings will come to the uk.

if the uk is out of europe...then maybe they get built in France or Germany. that would basically be the start of the end for us (and most of British aerospace's future given how much money airbus chucks into R&D here)

But there again what if another country told AB they would have big tax breaks to bring the work there?

Boeing would sue us into the ground?:confused:

But the real kick in the teeth was that they wanted me and others to train them I left then and there.

we're safe from them moving existing products because if we just stopped the company would be broke before they could get anything up and running abroad.

fortunately it takes a long time to get anything set up, but a slow drift with new product lines could be the way it goes
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"He said "in the UK I will look at two parameters: the exchange rate between the pound and the dollar and the second one is the UK government continuing support for the development of the aerospace industry"

"Bregier said Airbus was very pleased with all the initiatives of the government of British Prime Minister David Cameron, and did not believe that would change if Britain left the EU."

I don't know about you but I've always had a plan if things went **** up.
Good job you never lived in the thatcher years. That was hell.
This seems like the sort of decision that myself and probably 99% of the population shouldn't be voting on as we know nowhere near enough to form a proper judgement. I guess you can apply that to voting in general though.
It makes Cameron look very weak. God knows how he's going to manage to campaign against this backdrop.

It makes him look weak because he is weak on this issue - if he'd have put his foot down and say that everyone had to agree with him then he'd have a load of ministers resigning. Quite simply he's on the wrong side on this one.
It makes him look weak because he is weak on this issue - if he'd have put his foot down and say that everyone had to agree with him then he'd have a load of ministers resigning. Quite simply he's on the wrong side on this one.

I dunno, I'm just amazed the Tory party hasn't already imploded over this, so he must be doing something right.
I dunno, I'm just amazed the Tory party hasn't already imploded over this, so he must be doing something right.

LOL, the Tory party isn't going to implode over debating Europe, they're much stronger than that. and nothing to do with Cameron.

If you want to see a party imploding just look at the Labour party, it's practically eating itself alive and it's highly entertaining to watch :D
LOL, the Tory party isn't going to implode over debating Europe, they're much stronger than that. and nothing to do with Cameron.

Why not? they always have done over the past 30 years, the issue of the EU has always been the Tories achilles heel, so the simmering anti-EU back benchers like Redwood et al are being kept quiet somehow

If you want to see a party imploding just look at the Labour party, it's practically eating itself alive and it's highly entertaining to watch :D

Yea, that's quite a spectacle - not really to do with Europe though
If you want to see a party imploding just look at the Labour party, it's practically eating itself alive and it's highly entertaining to watch :D
With the Lib Dems being brutally punished, unfairly in my opinion, at the last election, any chance of a reasonable coalition are slim at best. It's not really entertaining, if anything it's worrying. We have no credible alternative to the Tories, and no effective checks and balances.
We have no credible alternative to the Tories, and no effective checks and balances.

Worrying for you, but for people like me it's a godsend. If the opposition is socialism then i'm happy to do without, even in opposition they wreck havoc in the country because of the wet liberal anti-British clap-trap they like to spew and try to influence the public with their damaging rhetoric.

They've now gone so far left that even center-left peps are going "Holy crap and i thought George Galloway was nuts innit!" :D

The public can now see how ridiculous true socialism is in the cold light of day and how many Corbyn types there are with nothing but fairies and unicorns in their heads
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So you're unable to see how dangerous a one party system is? Even more so then an ever increasing centric one?

Up until very recently we've been effectively having a one party system, both the Labour and Conservatives have been centric and were identical with almost identical polices.

Whats the difference?
The difference is that if Labour actually got their act together we would have a credible alternative. That they have drifted more and more central recently is obviously a negative. But to claim it as a godsend that they are all but disappearing as a credible political force?
Up until very recently we've been effectively having a one party system, both the Labour and Conservatives have been centric and were identical with almost identical polices.

Whats the difference?

Both the Tories and Labour seem these days to be special interest groups. Labour are massively beholden to the unions, who it seems would do anything to keep their members employed (whether it's good, bad or indifferent for the country as a whole), while the Tories naturally represent the bankers, property magnates, et al.

Frankly I find the amount of power the unions have these days to be terrifying. If Labour get back in it will be the unions running the show, and they seem to have the most amazing tunnel-vision.

Sadly I trust Europe more than I trust either of those two UK parties. At least the legislation coming from Europe seems to be largely well intentioned, and dare I say balanced.
I will be voting in. UK out of the EU will mean the Spanish will be free to screwing us over even more than they do now. Most probably close the boarder too.
Sadly I trust Europe more than I trust either of those two UK parties. At least the legislation coming from Europe seems to be largely well intentioned, and dare I say balanced.

I keep coming back to this; I understand that people are unhappy with the current state of affairs in the EU. I too think it needs reform. But to vote out and leave us at the mercy of our politicians? Time and again people post on here about how **** our government is, quite rightly. And yet they think that by leaving the EU it's somehow going to get better?
Frankly I find the amount of power the unions have these days to be terrifying. If Labour get back in it will be the unions running the show, and they seem to have the most amazing tunnel-vision.

The unions probably have less power now than any other time in the last 70 years.
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