Poll: The EU Referendum: What Will You Vote?

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

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How are you supposed to collect data about the future, and can i please have tomorrows lottery numbers? :o

And there in lies one of the problems. ;)

You can say what you like in many cases because no one can really contradict you. Once the votes are counted and the decision made what happens in the future can't stop that so it's a win win for the ones that want change, even if every positive thing they say ends up being ********.

That said there are some datapoint that can be used from the past/present for some of the arguments.
Like a point what a young lad said about the Remain campaign are really negative and put Britain down , while the Leave campaign are really positive about British post exits future ,
Take a look at the Scottish referendum as an example. The independents were all clamouring on about their soverign oil fund, how they'd strengthen ties with the EU, and how this positive wave of change would lead them to being a successful strong country. Of course any argument countering that is going to sound negative.

And with hindsight we've seen just how well their reliance on oil would have gone, and the only evidence we have on their relations with the EU that we had any conclusions to draw from was the EU president saying that Scotland would have to renegotiate entry.

People wanting to remain are always going to sound negative, because they counter arguments of people wanting change, which can easily be dressed up as positive, whilst largely ignoring the dangers. Pretty simple really.
Obama supposedly gonna be rolled out for the remain campaign. Does he even have any clout over here? I couldn't give a rat's ass what he thinks / says.

Toyota committed to the UK even if we vote to leave. Good news

Grayling on board for the leave campaign again good news.
Watched that earlier , good viewing i thought , was actually a fairly balanced representation for the audience .

Farage again a cut above the rest .

Like a point what a young lad said about the Remain campaign are really negative and put Britain down , while the Leave campaign are really positive about British post exits future ,

There does seam to be a lack of confidence with some people in the UK. It's a bit like "I'm alright jack"
Obama supposedly gonna be rolled out for the remain campaign. Does he even have any clout over here? I couldn't give a rat's ass what he thinks / says.

He does unfortunately, the sort of people who watch At Home with the Kardashians or Kandi's Wedding think that he's the greatest man who ever lived and totally deserves in Nobel Peace Prize.
"EU disastrous for UK": Leader of the House of Commons.

Well, Chris Grayling would know a lot about being disastrous for the UK, I suppose...

Good to see that ministers are free to air their views and not censored by Cameron.

It makes Cameron look very weak. God knows how he's going to manage to campaign against this backdrop.
He does unfortunately, the sort of people who watch At Home with the Kardashians or Kandi's Wedding think that he's the greatest man who ever lived and totally deserves in Nobel Peace Prize.

He's become abit of nightmare for the people in the states by all accounts, well by various social media, papers and radio what I've picked up on anyway.

And he's gonna comment on the UK and it's future affairs..
Obama supposedly gonna be rolled out for the remain campaign. Does he even have any clout over here? I couldn't give a rat's ass what he thinks / says.

Toyota committed to the UK even if we vote to leave. Good news

Grayling on board for the leave campaign again good news.

I'm concerned hats gonna happen with airbus
Is this the same nonsense that was being threatened during the Scottish referendum? Companies claiming they would leave in the event of a Yes vote have left anyway, citing the economic downturn.
EDIT - Can we please reset the poll? So much has happened in the last couple of months and i bet the result will be very different now

Yea mods, can we treat this like every other EU vote, keep re-asking the same question until the losing side gets a minority lead so they can then claim a de facto victory! ;)

But seriously, lets start a V.3 of this thread and see where we are.

The first one in May was 61.3% in 38.7% out
This one from Sept is 51.5% in 48.5% out

Still looking good for what is generally understood as quite a right wing forum.
Why did you say that? trying to scare people?

"Airbus has 'no intention' of pulling out of UK over EU" http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-33146011

because I work there....

your own article says

Last month, Airbus UK's chief executive, Paul Kahn, said that if the UK voted to leave the EU in the planned in-out referendum, Airbus would reconsider future investment in the UK.

On Tuesday, Mr Bregier admitted he would have to make a judgement about what the consequences would be for the competitiveness of his business following the referendum.

Mr Kahn stressed that if the UK were to leave the EU, the company would not suddenly close.

But he added: "If after an exit from the European Union, economic conditions in Britain were less favourable for business than in other parts of Europe, or beyond, would Airbus reconsider future investment in the United Kingdom? Yes, absolutely."

In the event of a British exit from the EU, Mr Kahn suggested the company could face more red tape in areas such as work visas and trade barriers.

this being one concern i was quite looking forward to doing some stints in France and Germany for work.

no one is suggesting they would suddenly close (it would take years to move the jigs and equipment) but decreased investment, say maybe the next plane we make the wings get built in France? could be staged withdrawal that doesn't bode well for my next 40 years.
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Still looking good for what is generally understood as quite a right wing forum.

Understood by who?

Also why do you think leaving the EU is a right wing thing. Clearly shows you don't have a clue because a lot of the old hard left wanted out, to protect British workers and industrial services, just like corbyn but he's gone with the party instead of his personal view.
Is this the same nonsense that was being threatened during the Scottish referendum? Companies claiming they would leave in the event of a Yes vote have left anyway, citing the economic downturn.

no but when you build your product across a bunch of EU countries one of them no longer being in the EU could make a lot of hassle, less profit means less pay rises/benefits/security etc
Understood by who?

The users

Also why do you think leaving the EU is a right wing thing. Clearly shows you don't have a clue because a lot of the old hard left wanted out, to protect British workers and industrial services, just like corbyn but he's gone with the party instead of his personal view.

I do realise this, but we don't have many extreme left on here, just mainly right of centre and liberal with a good smattering of quite far right.
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