Really pleased for Leon regarding the support from the forums. I hope that all of our contributions help, and provide a family that has been through so much, to have a great Christmas and New Year.
Being a father myself, and also Fostering my nephew for quite a number of years now due to my sister (my nephews mum) losing sight of things and deciding to shack up with a person who is known to be a threat to young children (in a sexual way) and she also got involved in drugs too. I fully understand how Leon feels.
I just know that giving children (your own, or other's children) a safe, secure environment is by far the most rewarding thing in the world. This is why I donated pretty much straight away when 5UB sent me a message about his plight.
Sounds like Leon is better and bigger person for handling the situation how he did. Far calmer than me. Last time I saw my sister, and her peado attempt at a boyfriend, was in Court supporting the social services in ensuring she had no access rights to her child, who she put his safety second to her own desire for drugs and a child molesting guy she believed to be her future. I almost ended up getting kicked out of the court before hand due to my in-ability to hold in my feelings towards her and him.
Anyway Leon, have a great Xmas and I would suggest you grab a nice bottle of (whatever you drink) and raise a toast to the good future of your kids. You, and they all deserve it indeed.