US: The Expanse - ** Please use spoiler tags for reveals with TV show or books**

Came across this the other day and started watching last night. Can't believe it's been out since 2015 and I haven't come across it until now lol

Only 2 episodes in and always give a new show at least 5 episodes before I make my mind up but i'm not blown away so far.
the first half of season 1 is a bit of slow burner as it laying the groundwork so to be, then it get going. second 2 start off where season 1 finishes so there no slow burn or build up needed.
Very slow burner. Once you get into it though, it's one of the best sci fi things in history of TV, although... it's always one inch from absolute greatness - you can't help but think if it got just a few $$ more during casting and production stage we would be watching Game of Thrones in space type of TV event...
In fairness the budget for S1 of GoT was relatively small compared to season's two and three. They didn't expect the wild popularity of GoT when they first started it.
At least this season they haven't got them quadcopter things flying about in every scene to try (and fail) to make it look more futuristic.
After waiting till I finished the last(published) book I carried on watching this. Deviates a bit from the book and some of the characters are not as strong as they should be however it just wouldn't fit in a 13 episode season I guess.

Overall its pretty good, even knowing whats going to happen. :)
Finally made it to the end of Season 1. The acting is execrable and the script is desperately cringe-inducing. There's an interesting storyline hiding under the dross but not good enough to make up for how bad the basics are.

Shame as I would like a decent sci-fi series to watch....but I'm not one of those people that just brushes over how crap something is just because it's an interesting genre.

Think I'll just read the books. Or re-read the Culture series again. Man if only someone would put the cash up for TV versions of Ian M Banks books as big budget miniseries instalments (with a decent cast)
There's an interesting storyline hiding under the dross but not good enough to make up for how bad the basics are.

It's not particularly polished is it :)

However, I don't mind seeing through the slightly naff bits to find the storyline. As the story progresses it does get better and the series is staying pretty well to the source which is always a good thing IMO.

Season 2 is better for sure. Has more land based scenes which I think adds a little gravity (see what I did there?) rather than nearly all in space.
S2 isn't on Netflix here yet, will give it a go when it arrives but not holding my breath in anticipation.

Just need to mix up the characters a bit (wet behinds the ears pretty boy lead guy *yawn*, Duke Nukem army guy *yawn*, feisty female tech *yawn*) and get some better actors involved. And some better script writers so the dialogue isn't so cliche.

The back story about the Earth/Mars/Belt, the politics and societal stuff is very good...and it's nice to finally see space ships on screen that obey the laws of physics.
S2 isn't on Netflix here yet, will give it a go when it arrives but not holding my breath in anticipation.

Just need to mix up the characters a bit (wet behinds the ears pretty boy lead guy *yawn*, Duke Nukem army guy *yawn*, feisty female tech *yawn*) and get some better actors involved. And some better script writers so the dialogue isn't so cliche.

The back story about the Earth/Mars/Belt, the politics and societal stuff is very good...and it's nice to finally see space ships on screen that obey the laws of physics.

Hmm, little harsh. Lead character is meant to be a wet behind the ears pretty boy stereotype. It's his meddling, trying to do the right thing, that keeps making things go from bad to worse.
Duke Nukem character, Amos isn't your regular hard nut army guy. If anything he's one of the most interesting characters on the show (in the books too). A psychopath who wants to be nice but has absolutely no moral compass. So surrounds himself with people he thinks are decent.
Naomi in the show is a little grating and not sure actress that great. Maybe she improves in series 2? Her character has a pretty good arc in the books so hope she can pull it off. In the first season (especially the first 5 episodes) she just comes across as a *****.

Show and actors still finding it's feet. People can be a little too fickle these days. Star Trek tng wouldn't have lasted more than half a season if it came out today.
This is some of the best scifi tv I've seen. Looking forward to S3.
Yeah. I am glad I gave this one a go. Was not sure about it and the cast looked a bit meh, but after a while you get used to them.
Cheers Guys,

Managed to get passed S1 and i'm near the end of S2.

Need to get passed the first few episodes to get into it for me, glad you guys persuaded me. :p

Once you see passed some dodgy acting and questionable dialect from 'The Belters' it's a great show and interesting story line, can't get enough! :D

Sign me up for S3 :cool:
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