The Expanse

Yeah, that's exactly what I meant, why I asked not to openly discuss. Would be good if folks used tags for a week or two. It's been done on a few others series threads when the whole series dropped immediately.
Ah I see. I thought you meant no spoiler discussion, even with spoiler tags. Which I'm not sure I could have waited 2 weeks for.
I enjoyed the first episode of season 4 picks up nicely, they seem to be doing their usual slow build. The characters are old friends now and the cast are still delivering good performances, really hopeful.
Liked this a lot, just binged on all the seasons :D . Would have liked it to have continued, great characters, felt totally absorbed into the future galactic world settings.
So how exactly do you get the episodes to play with HDR? It seems some people have this option and others don’t?

Edit: Had to search until I found it on the tiles under TV shows, what a stupid system as it seems there’s three different versions, 1080p, 4K and 4K HDR...
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Well I went ahead and binged it in two days.

They've put a bunch of stuff in to set up Nemesis Games, so it's a bit of a shame we didn't get to meet Duarte this season.

I liked Ashford. Kinda gutted he got spaced.

Nobody has really addressed how the ring gates mean big trouble for the belters. They've addressed how it kills Mars, but not the belt. Which is odd, because that's Inaros' whole motivation. In the show, they seem to have reversed it. He's saying the rings change nothing, whereas the book version realises they change everything, and not for the better if you're a belter. Even show-Avasarala doesn't seem to have cottoned on to this. In the show, her reason for being angry that the Ilus situation was resolved was because it cost her an election. In the book, it was because she was worried what it meant for Mars and the belt, and that someone might lash out at Earth in desperation. That's not a good change for her character, because it makes her seem much more cold and callous then she really is.

That face Amos made at the end. You know the one, when he's alone in a room with Murtry, and Murtry gives him an excuse to go medieval. Terrifying. I think he won't kill Murtry, because Holden specifically said it's important not to. But you know... a man doesn't need all of his teeth to stand trial, right?
Mmmmmmmm, i'm 5 episodes in and i'm finding it a little er........boring.

The backgrounds and space scenes are beautiful, but the story is meh. I am sure we are building to something big, but Bobby can't act and her story so far is weak and Avasarala although a very strong character in previous seasons has become a caricature of herself :(

Hopefully it picks up :)
watched it all, over all i loved it. But can't help to think that they had a limited idea's for good story lines so have split them over season 4/5 meaning there a fair bit of padding in them
Mmmmmmmm, i'm 5 episodes in and i'm finding it a little er........boring.

The backgrounds and space scenes are beautiful, but the story is meh. I am sure we are building to something big, but Bobby can't act and her story so far is weak and Avasarala although a very strong character in previous seasons has become a caricature of herself :(

Hopefully it picks up :)

Was about to post this as further feedback after watching Ep 4 and 5 last night.

It really is not hitting the spot in the way Season 1 to 3 did. The acting seems diminished, the biggest sea change being Dominique Tipper. I know the character is suffering from gravity sickness but they've changed her appearance from sassy, smart lovely looking to the crack pipe meets Diane Abbot. And I don't know whether it's me, but the decision to have most of the Belters speak with a South London ghetto/urban patois is becoming irritating.

Reading the posts above I hope it does improve but thus far struggle to rate more than 3/5 whereas Season 1 to 3 I would overcharge to 6/5!
watched it all, over all i loved it. But can't help to think that they had a limited idea's for good story lines so have split them over season 4/5 meaning there a fair bit of padding in them

Only seen first two episodes so far but already looks as though they are adapting books 4/5 in tandem for this season.

I doubt they are out of ideas as there is another 5 books of material to adapt, I'd guess at this point that season 4 will be a touch slower with 5 being more of a pay off to the stories building up.

As said though, only watched 2 eps of current season so far and my view might change as it progresses.
Episode 7 done - did everyone suddenly forget how to act? Amongst other things:

Ep 5, 26m 53s - "Tell me what to do!" and the actress who is seconds from death recoils :)
Watched it all yesterday, wasn't planning on it but now Amazon have given them a bigger budget and more freedom I couldn't stop watching it, my only niggle is that the aspect ratio kept changing between scenes, some would be full screen then others had black bars top and bottom, plus finding it in UHD on Amazon was a pain, they really need to get the UI sorted out for finding stuff easily.

Wasn't a fan of Bobbie's story this season felt out of place for the character, Miller is always a bonus
and now he's worked out how to get into stuff I wonder if he'll be able to get into the ship sort of like a AI so the crew can talk to him?

Hopefully don't have to wait a full year for s5 and they get it out sooner as it was already renewed.
And season done!

A lot of filler - a whole season on one planet? After the last season i was hoping for a bit of planet hopping, what's behind all the gates?! But a whole season set in a rock quarry reminiscent of an 80's Doctor Who set.

Any Bobby's character pee'd me off, she cannot act and it was so out of character from previous seasons ie a courageous and moral soldier.

Naomi is annoying and again a poor actress.

And very sad to see Klaes go - he was a pretty cool character and the zero g double headshot was v cool!

Glad The Expanse is still on our TV, but a pretty poor season 4 :(
and now he's worked out how to get into stuff I wonder if he'll be able to get into the ship sort of like a AI so the crew can talk to him?

Miller's gone now, he could only communicate because of the proto-goo under the Roci's deck. Now that's gone so is Miller.
Read this morning this latest season is coming out as one of the highest rated TV show of the year on sites like Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic.

Frustrated that i've only managed two episodes so far, however it's a show that the wife also watches so have to wait until we both have the spare time.
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Wasn't a fan of Bobbie's story this season felt out of place for the character, Miller is always a bonus
and now he's worked out how to get into stuff I wonder if he'll be able to get into the ship sort of like a AI so the crew can talk to him?
Bobbie has always been the straight-laced one, so it did seem a bit out of character. Then again, her reward for being straight-laced so far is that everyone around her thinks she's dodgy, so it's not completely implausible she'd say **** it, might as well get paid for being dodgy. I think the writers just had to give Bobbie something to do this season, because she's not in the Cibola Burn book, and TV shows typically don't just put major cast members on the bench for an entire season. Might as well have her story this season be something that links into Nemesis Games.

Miller isn't coming back. He died when the robot he was inhabiting went into the dark blob thing, and the blob of protomolecule he was using on the Roci has been thrown into the sun.
Mmmmmmmm, i'm 5 episodes in and i'm finding it a little er........boring.

The backgrounds and space scenes are beautiful, but the story is meh. I am sure we are building to something big, but Bobby can't act and her story so far is weak and Avasarala although a very strong character in previous seasons has become a caricature of herself :(

Hopefully it picks up :)

TBH the book this series was based on was terrible as well, Next one is much much better :)
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