The Expanse

Engines will be pointing backwards to the direction of travel if they're decelerating. Is that what you mean?

yeah you just hit nail on the head. After Marco says "I made this happen" in episode 10 there is a shot of the spaceships and they're decelarating towards the ring. I hadn't realised that is what they were doing, turned and fired to slow down.

I enjoyed this season more than the previous, where they spent most of the time on a single planet which had huge potential but kind of fizzled out. I thought the exploration of Naomi's past and her character were well done, but maybe too much of that. Also her relationship with Marco didn't feel as deep and genuine as it was suggested. I also feel like we hardly saw Holden at all and he was kind of superfluous to the plot until the last episode or two. Amos' story was also great, good to get more understanding and development with him (and his amazing sense of humour).

The setup to the next season promises a lot. I feel like we need to get back to the main arc around the protomolecule and the ring gates. This season was more a shift from the previous political norms to a new balance of power in the system, which was interesting but maybe too far on politics versus sci-fi for my tastes. Then again, the new BSG often wandered between those as well and was very good all things considered. The expanse is still the best Sci-fi show out there at the moment for me.

I was thinking that the last episode was probably 3 episodes worth of action and events, so maybe they should have paced things a bit differently and also agree there are probably a number of clips on the cutting room floor that would have made things a lot easier to follow...
Or just recast the part... I’m sure there must be several middle aged Indian (Asian) actors in America or Canada they could have picked. What makes it even more irksome is the claim by the show producers I read on an entertainment site (can’t find the link but Google Expanse S5 TV vs book) is that this was an intended plot mechanic to add drama and pathos to the story, even to the point of stating Alex actually died the way Fred Johnson did in the book. Total bull muck!
Yeah, that too. Though I am not a huge fan of that usually. I agree that had Cas not done what he did he would have made it until the end, so yeah, I do not buy that explanation. He certainly would not have died the way he did, as that was dumb. It so clearly was done last minute.
I don't think re-casting a major character is ever a good idea, even for a minor character it's usually a bad idea (Avasalara's (sp?!) husband for instance - I just never bought them as a couple while I did with the other actor).
I think they all just wanted to bury it and get on with things. Giving Alex the death of Fred was probably the easiest 'fix' for what was no doubt a horrible situation for them all to be in. They've left it open for who they can replace Alex with as pilot, Bull or Bobbie. At least they've got a char from the books they can call on who we never got to see as Drummer became an amalgamation of him and others.

It's amazing how tight lipped they all are over it, probably contractual. I'm sure the true story will all come out eventually (of what they had to change and when).
Yep agree with that, and I don't think helped by most of the ships having slightly obscure names that they blurt out so quickly I find it hard to register which is which

I watch with the subtitles on because of this and the belter accents! :D Still can’t follow where the missiles hit in the battle in the last ep. It was quite poorly directed.
I don't know whether it was just me being tired today when watching this but I had hardly a clue what was going on. Maybe I'll watch again another day.

Also is it just me but when seeing a panning shot of spaceships it feels like the ships are going one way but then the engines should be on back but it feels like they're going forward with the engine at front too. Is it the camera panning that's confusing me. 45th minute in final episode has a scene like it. I can't describe how I see it in words.

The Expanse majors heavily on realistic physics when it comes to all aspects of space travel.

All the ships have stacked decks that are perpendicular to the main engine, so that when the ship is accelerating 'down' is into the deck. Outside shots are frequently created at odd angles to highlight that there isn't really an up or down in the traditional sense. Normal travel involves constant acceleration from the start point to the mid point of the journey, then the ship will flip through 180° so the main engine is pointing towards the destination to provide the same duration of deceleration.

You'll also notice in the combat scenes that the PDC cannons have a small thruster on the back to provide a counterbalance reaction to the gun firing and stop the ship going into an unintended manoeuvre.
I watch with the subtitles on because of this and the belter accents! :D Still can’t follow where the missiles hit in the battle in the last ep. It was quite poorly directed.

That whole scene was just a cluster-fudge of direction. I had no idea which ships were engaging with whom until right at the end, there was no understanding at all about where the missiles were hitting until you saw the relevant crews again.

That aside, it was predictable as hell what the outcome would be with Drummer when she got to the fight.
The Expanse majors heavily on realistic physics when it comes to all aspects of space travel.

All the ships have stacked decks that are perpendicular to the main engine, so that when the ship is accelerating 'down' is into the deck. Outside shots are frequently created at odd angles to highlight that there isn't really an up or down in the traditional sense. Normal travel involves constant acceleration from the start point to the mid point of the journey, then the ship will flip through 180° so the main engine is pointing towards the destination to provide the same duration of deceleration.

You'll also notice in the combat scenes that the PDC cannons have a small thruster on the back to provide a counterbalance reaction to the gun firing and stop the ship going into an unintended manoeuvre.
Yes it is very well done. Directional/Steering thrust (according to the books) is actually provided via superheated steam jets, referred to colloquially as "The Kettle", was wondering if a similar system was employed on current or past real spacecraft such as Apollo and the shuttles?
Yes it is very well done. Directional/Steering thrust (according to the books) is actually provided via superheated steam jets, referred to colloquially as "The Kettle", was wondering if a similar system was employed on current or past real spacecraft such as Apollo and the shuttles?
IIRC current space craft use either "cold" thrusters (gas), or some form of hot thruster using chemicals that react, I think there is some experimentation with ion thrusters which give really low but prolonged levels of thrust (so good for probes that might be under thrust for months, but not for human craft where you need to balance fuel and life support).

The "kettle" idea is a relatively old sci-fi one based on the idea you have some form of heating (fusion/fission/unobtanium) available, and then use it for whatever is the most readily available reaction mass, usually water because it means you don't have to carry two completely separate sources of reaction mass, and in a pinch can use the mass intended for fuel for life support and vice versa. You can also use the water as ice for ablative armour, or some level of radiation shielding.
Water is also useful as you can potentially get it from various places in the solar system, and from memory Europa is thought to have a huge amount of water ice, so as a reaction mass it makes sense because you could potentially pick it it up from other parts of the system.

One of the things I quite like about the expanse is that a lot of it's in canon science, is based on real world science and ideas.
So, what actually happened right at the end... am I being a little bit slow with the...

Mars admiral and the red stuff, is it to do with what Holden saw in his visions and it’ll destroy the human race?

Bearing in mind, I’ve only read the first book so far (which I really enjoyed and keep meaning to read the others!)
The season dragged in the middle but I enjoyed the finale, think I might start on the books soon.

Alex sitting in the chair at the end
That image isn't in the copy I have, the chair is empty. So it was either present in a very early viewing which was corrected quickly or someone has managed to get the original version of that scene before it was corrected and broadcast.
Tbh if I ever rewatch the expanse I honestly believe I would skip this season

it just feels average and smaller in scope than the others
So, what actually happened right at the end... am I being a little bit slow with the...

Mars admiral and the red stuff, is it to do with what Holden saw in his visions and it’ll destroy the human race?

Bearing in mind, I’ve only read the first book so far (which I really enjoyed and keep meaning to read the others!)
Basically, yes.
They're the creatures that destroyed the protomolecule builder civilisation. Now humans are faffing around with protomolecule tech, they're getting agitated again.
I do feel that by editing Alex out of the scene it made Avasarala's 'this is how we win' speech falls kinda flat.
The intention of the speech is clearly aimed at the mixed nature of the Roci crew, Earth, Mars, and the belt working together. They're clearly all supposed to be there. But without alex, it's a bit hollow and also too jubilant a scene after such a bit loss to their family.
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