The Expanse

Interesting. TBH would have thought the authors (James S Corey is a pseudonym for the two guys who actually write the books) would have been horrified at how the adaptation has been handled. Unfortunately the public responses following seem to come down heavily on the fanbois/rose tinted spec side of things too.
Both of them are actually on the TV script writing team, I believe....
In other words, they did the adaptations themselves.

Edit: Writers and producers, in fact.
Both of them are actually on the TV script writing team, I believe....
In other words, they did the adaptations themselves.

Edit: Writers and producers, in fact.
Appreciate the confirmation, though still not sure what they were thinking signing off on such radical deviations from the novels. Particularly Laconia, unless it all makes sense in Ep6.
I'm not ready for tomorrow. Did buy the first book though (audio).

Me either, confident Inaros story will be resolved satisfactorily - however the early seeds of the Laconia book 7-9 arc and conclusion of the protomolecule story are going to leave a lot of people wanting.

Read some more into it and it's Alcon who have made the decision to end the series, not the show runners or amazon. An earlier interview last year also alluded that they want the Amazon deal to end so they can get it all back under their control in a number of years.

"Once the show is done on Amazon and has aired for a handful of years, all the episodes come back and are part of our library. We own the underlying IP for interactive, graphic novels, continuing storytelling in features… It’s such a rich world. We’re considering all kinds of interesting possibilities.”
seems a very risky thing for Alcon todo. by the time they get the rights back, we could have all moved on to the next latest and greatest
Appreciate the confirmation, though still not sure what they were thinking signing off on such radical deviations from the novels. Particularly Laconia, unless it all makes sense in Ep6.
TV is a different media to book, so not everything that works on page does as well on screen.
Also, people involved in the production sometimes do things that necessitate alterations (Cas Anvar), while the whole production is at the mercy of whoever holds the purse strings. If some clueless exec up top decides that they need to reshoot everything in anaglyph 3-D, then everyone else has to follow their retarded idea.
What a waste.

What an absolute waste.

That episode could have EASILY been broken down into 3, maybe even 4 episodes.

Instead we get this. Rushed, bashed together, wrap as much up as possible but equally as much unanswered/unresolved and all of it suffers as a result.

Absolutely livid.
I'm now listening to the books.
They are just about to escape the Donnager :p
Gonna watch this final episode tonight.
Gonna be bitter sweet.
Happy enough with that ending. tied up the current story line well enough (few things i disliked). and seems a good stopping point in the story
Enjoyed that. A lot omitted from the books but they couldn’t have done it justice with the short time they had left.

A shame to have rushed through, but they’ve delivered well considering.

Setup well for the future if they can ever pick it back up.
Brilliant ending, similar to the ending of Babylon's ashes. I can see why those who haven't read the books would be angry. I can't see how it would be left as is though, I'm sure there is going to be more to properly finish the story.
@kindai See if you can read the books :)
Considering the only had 6 episodes they did far better than I expected in ending the 1st arc of the story,and they put down enough groundwork for the last part of the story to be finished. However,the issue is whether Alcon wants to spend the sort of money which would give justice to it.
Assuming a significant chunk of the season's budget was spent on that episode, look forward to re-watching the space battles on YouTube.

Missed this but the internet did not, the names of the soldiers.."J Rico (Starship Troopers), D Idaho (Dune), E Ripley (Alien) W Riker (Star Trek) etc" :D.
I want more, ending was ok for what it was and trying to wrap up season 6 but i want more proto molecule alien stuff, which is what got me hooked in the beginning of the series.
Really enjoyed it. They wrapped up the Inaros storyline as well as could be. Even having read the books I was worried for Amos and Bobbie what with the series officially being over! Could have thrown some curve balls out for the book readers.

So what was the proto-molecule alien spaceship all about and what was the deal with those weird alien creatures and the zombie boy?

Those are things that do happen during the Inaros conflict but repercussions go waayyyyyyy beyond a 6 episode season. So if you really must know, pickup the books. Or wait and hope they get greenlit for at least three more series as that's the minimum how long it'll take to do the story.

Appreciate the confirmation, though still not sure what they were thinking signing off on such radical deviations from the novels. Particularly Laconia, unless it all makes sense in Ep6.

?!? Are you sure you're not reading something else? ;)

Good summary of the last episode with context here:
The Expanse Season 6 Finale Explained by Alt Shift X *SPOILERS* - YouTube
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Decent enough job of adapting what was left of the book, I can see why people are going to be upset since all the resolution to Laconia and the Protomolecule is in the books/seasons that will likely never be made though.
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