The Fashion Thread... personal tastes, musings, and recommendations

I almost bought a Barbour like that a few months back, so glad I didn't as they're now absolutely everywhere and most commonly sported by oiks :p.
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What do the collective think of this:


? £20.

Like it robbie if it wasn't for the branding
It's not a Barbour. Even though Barbour quilted jackets are made in England, they looked a bit cheap and made from poly-whatever... the fit is also not great in my opinion. This particular one is from All Saints, and is made from waxed cotton, which I think is a nicer material. Primary reason I bought it is because of the cut/fit but it's also nice to have a lightweight spring/autumn jacket. :)
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Waiting for the shipment of these badboys - response has been great, what do you guys think?

Tweed x Leather 5 Panels
Not keen, colours are a bit boring and the top and bottom stripes are a different size and throw me off.

Thoughts on these?


Please don't. Its actually painful seeing the number of people that have started wearing these. As long as you wear your trousers over the boots and do them up properly its fine but don't be one of those douches that has them undone with their trousers on the inside of the boot.
anyone else share a hatred for this kind of shoe? worn without socks.

Massively. People wearing those with no socks and those damn jeans with the elasticated ankles should be shot. I know its a bit sad but I really do judge people who just follow the latest trend like sheep. I am no trend setter by any stretch of the imagination but I can't help but hate those that try to look "cool" by wearing exactly the same things as their mates.
Please don't. Its actually painful seeing the number of people that have started wearing these. As long as you wear your trousers over the boots and do them up properly its fine but don't be one of those douches that has them undone with their trousers on the inside of the boot.

Massively. People wearing those with no socks and those damn jeans with the elasticated ankles should be shot. I know its a bit sad but I really do judge people who just follow the latest trend like sheep. I am no trend setter by any stretch of the imagination but I can't help but hate those that try to look "cool" by wearing exactly the same things as their mates.

Have you all seen the **** head song? Type it in Youtube,

"Loafers with no socks
Electropop meets southern hip hop
Indeterminate sexual preference
Something retro on my necklace

I love my life as a **** head
All my friends are **** heads too
come with me lets be **** heads
(havent you heard?)
being a **** head's cool"

What is great is I know loads of people who dress like that. **** heads.
It's not a Barbour. Even though Barbour quilted jackets are made in England, they looked a bit cheap and made from poly-whatever... the fit is also not great in my opinion. This particular one is from All Saints, and is made from waxed cotton, which I think is a nicer material. Primary reason I bought it is because of the cut/fit but it's also nice to have a lightweight spring/autumn jacket. :)

To be fair it does look a nice shape.
I almost bought a barbour jacket, pops had one though and when he asked why i decided not to get one and I told him its a bit chavy now as everyone in essex has one, he got a bit upset and was clearly quite affronted that i'd put his coat down like that.
I was flicking through the G2 part of the Guardian at work just now and had to share this with you. Forgive my lack of knowledge / and or taste in all things fashion, I'm northern you see.

Mens fashion week at Prada

Article: Mens trends Autumn - Winter 2012


My musings...

Picture 4: A Dinosaur on a mans jumper? I passed one not to similar to this in Tesco yesterday in the child section. All it's missing is "BIG DINOSAUR RAAA" printed on it.

Pic 5: What in the hell are those pants? They look quite ill fitting.

Pic 10: "Wang"...pardon?

Pic 12: Bwahahahahaha....ha...sorry....*ahem*

On a final note, all the models seem to have very prominent cheekbones. Either that or there's a massive supply of werthers original in the back.
Sorry about hotlinking earlier, haven't posted here for a while so forgot about that rule.

Please don't. Its actually painful seeing the number of people that have started wearing these. As long as you wear your trousers over the boots and do them up properly its fine but don't be one of those douches that has them undone with their trousers on the inside of the boot.

No worries. I popped into Clarks earlier and picked up some boots. They are very similar to the Desert boots, love them. I'll put a picture up once I find/take one.

Also popped into Burtons to have a look at jeans, wasn't really impressed. I know they are just jeans, but meh...
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