The Fashion Thread... personal tastes, musings, and recommendations

The models they use always temper my want for the clothes. Most of the men are extremely good looking, thus most things will look good on them regardless.
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Anyone have any recommendations for a spring/summer jacket? Don't really want to spend over £100, are there any good bargains to be had in the sales at the moment?

Edit: Can anyone identify this jacket worn in Hustle?

Album here.

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Damn, that's a nice coat. How tall are you and what size did you go for Kristoph? Snug fit?


Still need to get some new jeans, I know this comes down to personal taste, but does anyone have recommendations? I don't really want to pay more than £30 for a pair.

Also, good places for V-neck jumpers?
Damn, that's a nice coat. How tall are you and what size did you go for Kristoph? Snug fit?


Still need to get some new jeans, I know this comes down to personal taste, but does anyone have recommendations? I don't really want to pay more than £30 for a pair.

Also, good places for V-neck jumpers?

I get a lot of my jumpers from Jeff Banks; reasonably priced and nice quality.
I'm after some slim/skinny fit smart work trousers/shirts/jumpers. Are ASOS/Zara the best bet or is there anywhere else I should be looking?
Damn, that's a nice coat. How tall are you and what size did you go for Kristoph? Snug fit?

Yeah really nice fit, I'm 5"10 and have a Medium. Slim/regular sort of build.

Also, as you can kind of see in my photo, it looks a little bit darker than the photo on the Moss website. I think it looks better than in the photo tbh.

I can take more pics of the coat if anyone wants.
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I have decided I want to dress smart, smart casual like Gosling. There is a local tailors near me, and I know I could go in an ask but generally how much does it cost to have your existing suits or clothes cut and tailored to fit? Can you tailor anything to your size?

Also I hate shopping, if such a site existed that took what celebs were wearing and showed identical cheaper versions that would be great.
I know asos used to, but it changed and IMO is just hipster crap skinny crap now.
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Picked up some nice formal (Charles Tyrwhitt) and casual (M&S) button downs earlier, as well as some v-neck undershirts/tees (H&M).

Still need:

- Jeans - Saw some nice ones in Uniqlo, but they were a tad too long and I didn't have time to let them adjust them. My budget sadly doesn't stretch to Levi's, so I'm looking for stuff in the £30-40 range that is still decent quality.

- V Neck jumpers. Okay, I haven't got the faintest clue about these. I saw plenty out and about today, from £10 to £80. Cashmere, Merino (expensive, jesus), Cashmilon - none of these mean anything to me. These V-necks will most likely be worn over an oxford cloth button down shirt or something. So yeah, can someone shine some light on these?

Also two other things:

- Where do you guys get undergarments? Socks, boxer shorts etc? Again, looking for value for money.

- Opinions on cardigans? I saw some nice ones in Uniqlo but I'm not sure what I should be wearing them with.

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