The Fashion Thread... personal tastes, musings, and recommendations

Guys, any advice on decent, slim-fitting Polos?

So far my options are:

  • Superdry (slim fit and rare in the country I live in)
  • Paul Smith (pricey but nice and also pretty rare to see)
  • Next (cheap, slim, more for your moolah)

Ralph Lauren is also an option but also pricey and common as muck here.

Any ideas? :)

Overseas shipping can be steep, but they very frequently do 40% off making there polos cheap as chips. Also one of the best fitting polos I've tried, I'd even go as far to say as good/better than fred perry!!

Minimalistic logo too :)
Anyone know of any UK stockists of American Eagle Outfitters?

Bought some of their polo t-shirts when I was in LA a couple years back and they've lasted well and wouldn't mind some more. The delivery to the UK on their website is about £40 though so thats a no go!

Overseas shipping can be steep, but they very frequently do 40% off making there polos cheap as chips. Also one of the best fitting polos I've tried, I'd even go as far to say as good/better than fred perry!!

Minimalistic logo too :)

How weird, I didn't even read your last post and its linking to AEO! Shame it costs so much to get them sent over!
There was mention of an online tailors who will build you a suit, it was probably a year ago now though and not necessarily in this thread. Anyone know where I can do this? If I remember rightly, you could arrange an appointment to go measure up with them. Then as they have your measurements on file you can pick online your style suit and material and they will make it to order.
Found 3 other shirts with the same cuffs last night so just cut the buttons off, much nicer with just links even without the fold in the cuffs. Now I'll be buying shirts with this feature all the time.
Quick question, I have a pair of blue suede Emerica (skate) shoes, although not the typical big chunky style that used to be so prevalent. As comfy as they are, I'm almost of the mind that I keep thinking they look ridiculous, but because I bought them, I stubbornley kept them trying to make them work. What sort of colour schemes should I use with them? I've worn khaki shorts with white and pale blue check short sleeved shirt before, that didn't look *too* bad.
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Anyone know of any UK stockists of American Eagle Outfitters?

Bought some of their polo t-shirts when I was in LA a couple years back and they've lasted well and wouldn't mind some more. The delivery to the UK on their website is about £40 though so thats a no go!

£32, if you get it when it's 40% off and ordering a LOT then it's still cheap.
There was mention of an online tailors who will build you a suit, it was probably a year ago now though and not necessarily in this thread. Anyone know where I can do this? If I remember rightly, you could arrange an appointment to go measure up with them. Then as they have your measurements on file you can pick online your style suit and material and they will make it to order.

iTailor do this, but they don't actually measure you. Lots of choice on there though I'd happily order from there if a tailor had taken my measurements. I bought a shirt once, and it was what I'd ordered, but I hadn't measured myself very well so it wasn't perfect.
So.. winter footwear... casual enough for lectures, warm enough for a Newcastle winter... any ideas?

The Kooples has a sale on in store and online. Many things 30% off, ends tomorrow

Picked up this - down padded, inner detachable waist-coaty type thing, detachable fur strip around the hood and also detachable hood. Pretty win - these detachable type coats usually look a bit compromised but I don't think so with this one.


So.. winter footwear... casual enough for lectures, warm enough for a Newcastle winter... any ideas?

I usually wear these in the winter: Clarks Desert boots

And then have these for when it is really snowy/wintery mix: LL Beans:

Both very comfortable.
Only shop I go to now is If you haven't heard of it it's an Italian mail order firm that stocks Prada, Armani, D&G etc. Has some amazing sales and does surplus old stock very very cheap.

I've spent a fair bit there the last 6 months. Latest purchases were Hollywood Trading Company jumper, DSquared2 jumper and a Gucci shirt. Caught them in sales and got them at around 1/3rd the UK price.

Another good online place is You go through what you like and wait. It monitors various stores and emails you once your chosen item pops up in a sale.
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