This is not what we are going to have to pay GTX680 money for a rebadged GTX660, just because it is faster than 7970 by a bit? This sucks big time.
While Nvidia is a jerk for doing this...AMD's high price average performance for new gen cards and picking fight with last gen cards is also to blame for this to happen.
Honestly man I think it's just time to accept things for how they are. AMD got its prices from Nvidia, blah blah, yawn.
I guess at the end of the day it is what it is really. And there's not much we can do to change that so time will take care of it in the end.
Hopefully Nvidia won't have wafer problems and will be able to release some mid ranged cards (well, in the category of) and then that will force AMD to drop their prices.
Let's face it. Buying any of these new cards is not exactly sensible is it? True sense would be to just wait until they are all out and let the price battles begin before buying anything.