US: The Flash (2014)

Tbh if flash can travel near light speed we are talking 186,000 miles p/s I doubt anything could stop him or be a real threat....

Would be a bit boring though.... :-)

I suppose one answer would be that just because he can travel that fast doesn't mean he can fight that fast without really hurting or killing himself. He only has fast healing, he's not invulnerable.

Edit - fixed quote to quote the right person :o
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Ha, yeah I too thought he could easily just go behind her and knock her out but ah well.

About time Barry made his move on Paddy too, even Cisco was giving him the "whats wrong with you, you gay now bro?" look.

Tbh if flash can travel near light speed we are talking 186,000 miles p/s I doubt anything could stop him or be a real threat....

Would be a bit boring though.... :-)

To be fair though, Dr. Light can also travel at the speed of light too, well in the comics she can, plus, she can also turn her self into light rendering herself invisible too.
Tbh if flash can travel near light speed we are talking 186,000 miles p/s I doubt anything could stop him or be a real threat....

Would be a bit boring though.... :-)

In the comics Flash can travel very fast. Speed of light is nothing. To give you an idea this scene seems to insinuate he way way faster. It not really a spoiler as it doesn't relate to any story.

I suppose one answer would be that just because he can travel that fast doesn't mean he can fight that fast without really hurting or killing himself. He only has fast healing, he's not invulnerable.

iirc, it not as simple as that as well as a super metabolism. Please don't click if you don't want to know how Flash powers work. Again not really a spoiler to any story

Flash has a Aura of speed related invunerabilty which is linked by the speed force. The logic behind it is the friction by travelling that fast would "burn" anything moving at that speed. So technically he could beat the beep out of most things particularly with the infinite mass punch. However he doesn't need to even do that as he could phase through matter which the show does hint at or explode at the right frequency. (WW)
but yeah if they did that on the show he would be way too powerful.
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I just wish they'd have picked a less recognisable voice actor for him... seriously they picked Tony Todd, aka Candyman, where I was like that's Candyman (one of those 'memorable characters' from my youth) rather than taking notice of what was being said lol

Luckily he isn't playing zoom, he's just the voice apparently
I just wish they'd have picked a less recognisable voice actor for him... seriously they picked Tony Todd, aka Candyman, where I was like that's Candyman (one of those 'memorable characters' from my youth) rather than taking notice of what was being said lol

Luckily he isn't playing zoom, he's just the voice apparently

A black actor voicing a masked character? Dave Prowse is Zoom.
I'm very much enjoying The Flash.

I hope this season's not going to be a villain from Earth 2 of the week for the whole season.

I'm also happy they've brought Harrison Wells back (sort of), I think Tom Cavanagh brings something to the show. Something which I can't put my finger on.

Oh, and Jay Garrick seems to be a bit of a wus! BTW, totally unfamiliar with the comics!
I'm very much enjoying The Flash.

I hope this season's not going to be a villain from Earth 2 of the week for the whole season.

I'm also happy they've brought Harrison Wells back (sort of), I think Tom Cavanagh brings something to the show. Something which I can't put my finger on.

Oh, and Jay Garrick seems to be a bit of a wus! BTW, totally unfamiliar with the comics!

Totally agree. Happy he is back. One thing that didnt make sense to me?

Why were they all angry at Harrison Wells when it wasnt even the real HW that did all the things in Season one? They knew he was Thawn at the end didnt they?

Btw for those who want to know more about Jay Garrick, (Spoiler friendly). He basically the Golden Age Flash, like Alan Scott is the golden age Green Lantern.
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Totally agree. Happy he is back. One thing that didnt make sense to me?

Why were they all angry at Harrison Wells when it wasnt even the real HW that did all the things in Season one? They knew he was Thawn at the end didnt they?

But he bear a resemblance so I have put it down to that.

Anyone else think Patty is adorable?
I guess because that's the only wells they know.

so, is new wells really wells or is he Thawn ?

Don't answer that if it's explained in the latest ep, I'm on uk schedule lol
Why ask then? :p

Guys, you can freely talk about what's happening in the show without spoilers, since this is the US TV shows section.
Man, this is really starting to become 'my thing'... :o Stop making me do it :p
because there's no UK thread for the flash.

besides, even if people are watching on US schedule it doesnt mean they've all seen the latest episode.

In otherwords, i was showing some consideration. Be annoyed if I'm giving away plot points without spoiler tags, by all means. Anyway, was a general question.
Could always make a thread for it :)

The general rule is that if you haven't seen the latest episode, then don't come into the thread and expect everything to be hidden from you. After all, what is there to discuss apart from what's currently going on? What do you expect to see?

I wouldn't be annoyed if you gave away plot points without spoiler tags because I don't come into threads on here until I've seen the latest episode :)
I could but i dont think there's a need for it when they are scheduled so closely. Probably the same reason nobody else has created one, for The Flash or Arrow. My use of spoilers is valid, IMO. apologies if you think it isnt.
Fair enough, but don't be one of those guys that moans about something being spoiled when you know the score :)

What is the actual scheduling difference anyway?
I am enjoying this series but one thing really annoys me, but I am not sure what can be done about it.

The Flash can take people out of moving cars, put handcuffs on them and put them in other cars in a blink of an eye. (He has super speed, but he doesn't have super strength? right? So how can he lift a man bigger than he is? not my annoyance, just curious)

He can disarm people in a flash. He can run around the city and he moves so fast that people can't see him.

He can run through walls because he is moving so fast.

You get the idea, the flash is really, really fast.

Now the thing that annoys me, Most of the baddies in this series are just humans. The guys who turns into gas, the two brothers that can control the weather etc. Some of the bad guys don't even have powers they just have weapons like Captain Cold.

For most of them he should have been able to do just grab them and put them in their special prison before they even knew what happened!! But, for arguments sake, let's say that the meta humans get quicker reflex's or whatever and are able to defend themselves against that. Captain Cold and his Buddy are just normal guys with fancy guns, he should be able to disable them easily. Even though he did in one episode grab the storm guy out of his bed and put him in the particle prison before he knew what was happening, why can't he do that to them all?

I understand in a show like this you are going to have take a lot of things for granted and suspend your belief to make it all work. But, they needed to have some reasons why the flash doesn't flash around certain people. Like when the general threw a kinetic grenade in one episode. The flash should have been able to avoid it easily, heck the general shouldn't have even had time to throw it.

I haven't seen all the episodes yet of season one, but I hope they work on the script a bit more in season two to make it more consistent. I think that's the word I am looking for. Either He is faster than the blink of an eye or he isn't.
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That's the problem with the Flash and a lot of other DC characters. He should be godlike and undefeatable according to his powers, but that would make a pretty poor story, so he's always being dumb. I don't think there's much that can be done about it, Flash doesn't even seem to have an Achilles heel like Superman does with magic and kryptonite. It's just one of those things you have to go with or it will spoil the show.
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