Bent out of shape is a bit of an exaggeration I don't see anybody getting too worked up by it at least not on here anyway, me personally as I said.. it's just a little strange to hear a voice that menacing and the mask comes off and it's somebody like Barry. Barry and Eobard have the ability to alter their voice by vibrating their vocal chords but it seems like Zoom isn't doing that.
I know I'm in a select few but I would actually have no problem if Zoom wasn't someone's earth-2 counterpart, if he was just another guy I'd think it was fine but they would need to extend his agenda a bit outside of wanting to be the only speedster in the multiverse.
Ok, maybe bent out of shape was too strong a phrase, I meant in general terms making a bigger deal out of it than I really think is necessary imo, no offence intended
I think it's great as they are going to great lengths to show people how different he is to the reverse flash. Quite liked the Bane-esque way that Zoom paraded Barry around after the beat down.
'I have broken him, your city is mine' type deal
Obviously Barry does the voice modulation thing to stop people making out that it's him.
Maybe Zoom is doing the same thing. As Zoom is better at controlling his power, he is better at masking his voice.
It could still be earth-2 barry. I doubt it, as it would be way too obvious, it could be Eddie given that that we don't know that eobard is dead in earth-2.
If it does turn out to be barry, it could be that he was affected in more ways aesthetically when the lightening struck him.
Many ways around it, and I'm looking forward to this season.