Zooms got to be someone we already know surely? Joe or Eddie is where my money is.
Bent out of shape is a bit of an exaggeration I don't see anybody getting too worked up by it at least not on here anyway, me personally as I said.. it's just a little strange to hear a voice that menacing and the mask comes off and it's somebody like Barry. Barry and Eobard have the ability to alter their voice by vibrating their vocal chords but it seems like Zoom isn't doing that.
I know I'm in a select few but I would actually have no problem if Zoom wasn't someone's earth-2 counterpart, if he was just another guy I'd think it was fine but they would need to extend his agenda a bit outside of wanting to be the only speedster in the multiverse.
The popular theories at the minute are:
I'm probably going to be way off on this but I have had a feeling that Jay Garrick is Zoom. His whole "Zoom is too powerful for you to fight" thing was getting a bit overdone and that made me think about this. I know he's another flash in the comics, but as this is an earth 2 variant, I'm assuming it could be different. Plus we only have his word he ever fought Zoom and lost his speed.
That would just be the Wells arc all over again, can't see it tbh.
Barry-2's Father.