When did Atom get his suit back?
In the previous episode with the Zombies and US Civil War a large deposit of the stuff to power the suit was mined.
Steel and Vixen left on the ship as "newbies", really?
To be fair, Steel is a newbie and Vixen is awesome but still a newbie to the team. There are people from all shows that seem to be missing, none of olivers new team are in the crossover so far. I am sure that Steel and Vixen will be in the LOT crossover ep.
Why not visit Earth 2 and enlist Jessie Quick as an additional speedster?
Dunno, maybe the same reason they didn't initially add Wally to the team. Maybe she needs more training before going against foes like The Dominators.
Will Sarah visit her dad?
I think she will and maybe it will give him a kick to the nads and get him back on the wagon.
Super Girl is as fast as Flash and has similarly terrible reactions... letting the president get vaporised.
Think it was more unexpected as they thought he was being held hostage rather than bait.
All the other villains (Savitar, Reverse Flash, Alchemy, Prometheus) conveniently cease their evil doings during the crossover?
It was thanksgiving last week so they probably all went home and had turkey!
In all seriousness its a little crossover series with a pretty separate storyline. Straight comic book teamup/crossover story.