US: The Flash (2014)

The Earth S one is one of those they could have so easily sorted as well, just have somebody float the idea, open a portal, get a 2 minute scene on Earth S set in the middle of the current Supergirl arc, just in the bar, just one of the secondary characters who already met Barry and show that Iris would be even less protected there, and it closes the same issue on the Supergirl side of things by giving them an out on why Kara didn't call in her Superfriends for an event that big (especially when what? 5 episodes ago we have the silly muscial where you reminded everyone that she has a gizmo that literally makes crossing earths as easy as pressing a button)

I know logistics, costs etc, but when James and Winn had a run of episodes where their screentime was literally a "hey remember we exist?" scene they couldn't have done a quick scene? Especially when the Flash is the highest rated of the CW shows,so using that to give viewers a glimpse of the rest of the universe seems a good bet.
Laughed out loud when he seen King Shark and said "Tell Cisco if he saves my life I'll put in a good word with my sister"
The other good one I read was put Iris in the Argus basement since they have a "meta dampening field".:D

I actually thought that was going to be the deus ex machina and that they were going to put those dampeners all around the square where Flash had the vision.
The other good one I read was put Iris in the Argus basement since they have a "meta dampening field".:D

While this is a good idea, Savitar would still be a guy in almost invulnerable power armour, and team flash would be without powers. That said, Snart's gun might work on him :D.
So, the "presumably dead" Iris is actually H.R. right?

That's my theory. I thought it odd that Joe didn't fire at Savitar. His daughter was going to get murdered right in front of him and he did nothing. He should have shot the nanosecond his suit was even slightly vulnerable. So the only reason for him not to fire would be if he knew that it wasn't Iris but also knew that he had to watch it happen or his daughter would die. That's also the reason I think he was so devastated by it as it goes against everything he stands for with being a detective as well as being part of The Flash family.

Guess we will see in a couple of days.
So, the "presumably dead" Iris is actually H.R. right?

Don't see how it can be. HR told Emo-Barry/Savitar where Iris was. Savitar went to the other earth to get her. Unlikely there could be a swap before the events at Infantino Street. I may have missed something?
i'm a thinking that the iris that died is a time clone made by kid flash and smart HR, and HR telling were she was will be all part of a plan made by the group excluding Flash as anything Flash know Savitar knows, hence why Flash believes her to be dead. next weeks show will be barry beginning to turn into Savitar as dispair takes hold of his heart, and Savitar gloating that he won, then the gang will reveal that Iris is alive, filling barrys heart with hope and Love causing Savitar never to have been made. proving once again that true love always win's
Don't see how it can be. HR told Emo-Barry/Savitar where Iris was. Savitar went to the other earth to get her. Unlikely there could be a swap before the events at Infantino Street. I may have missed something?

I'll get my coat!
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