US: The Flash (2014)

It's all about working within the rules you've created, not changing the rules to fit a badly-written plot.

As I keep saying, they just need to look to the DC animated universe or comics to find better ways of doing battles involving Flash.
Flash has been cancellled


I am curious to see how he becomes savitar now...

It's bound to be alternate Earth, from the future, from the past, different timeline, Flashpoint, etc. No doubt Barry will have to go back, screw up the timeline, and then series four will be the same "Who is this mystery evil speedster who is beating team Flash? <insert melodrama about personal relationships> If only Barry can run faster!"

It's not even that ridiculous when compared to Emo Barry's hairdo in 2024.
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Killer Frost is hot!

Yeah, I always thought Caitlin was kind of bland, almost simpering, kind of whimpy. I put it down to Danielle Panabaker just not being a very good actress. Then when Killer Frost arrived, she suddenly got sexier, her acting got better, but really she was playing Caitlin as the weak and timid Jekyll to Killer Frost's Hyde. I hope she's having fun playing the baddie for a change.
I still can't understand how Killer Frost is quicker than the Flash. Again, he's the Flash and he's already demonstrated that he can grab someone (multiple people actually) and deposit them far across the city in a blink of an eye. So why did he not just grab her and throw her in one of the cells in the Pipeline? What do they do, do they memory wipe the writers in between writing each episode?
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