US: The Flash (2014)

Season finale, things we don't need in what should be one of/the best episodes of the season:
  • Joel & Cecile
  • Their blatant daughter - if they are just going to show her stalk Barry and Iris for the 100th time
  • The shrink
  • Iris
Is that so much to ask?

you missed off ralph ... ****** ralph , whyyyyyyyyyyyy FFS ralph whyyyyy. :(:(:(:mad::mad::mad::mad::(:(:(
Good Finale..

Really? I thought it was horribly cliche and the whole season bar a couple of episodes has been filler garbage with nonsensical storylines. If you want a good super hero finale episode go watch Krypton and compare that to the guff Flash has been putting out this season.
Krypton and SHIELD light years ahead of anything else. I am considering delving into Supergirl, it's meant to be better but not sure how much CW I can take.
Krypton and SHIELD light years ahead of anything else. I am considering delving into Supergirl, it's meant to be better but not sure how much CW I can take.

All the CW stuff seems to follow the same style and formula. You're better off looking elsewhere for a superhero/comic book fix.
Krypton and SHIELD light years ahead of anything else. I am considering delving into Supergirl, it's meant to be better but not sure how much CW I can take.

Agree completely, SHIELD and Krypton are a whole other level.

Supergirl is probably the best arrowverse show at the moment. Season 1 is horribly 'Girl Power', but Season 2 is almost a hard reset and it found it's feet.
Agree completely, SHIELD and Krypton are a whole other level.

Supergirl is probably the best arrowverse show at the moment. Season 1 is horribly 'Girl Power', but Season 2 is almost a hard reset and it found it's feet.

funny enough season 2 of supergirl is when i stop watching it as it went from SUPERgirl "i'm one of the most powerfully persons on the world", to superGIRL "waa waa waa i need a boyfriend cause i'm a girl and we can't function right without a boyfriend"
Season one was more like "SUPERGIRL I'm the most powerful woman in the world go girl power yeah!". It's a bit more balanced now. It's still as good / bad as the others though.
funny enough season 2 of supergirl is when i stop watching it as it went from SUPERgirl "i'm one of the most powerfully persons on the world", to superGIRL "waa waa waa i need a boyfriend cause i'm a girl and we can't function right without a boyfriend"

Even then it's no where near as relationship focused as Arrow/Flash have become! She doesn't have a crisis of faith and a 10minute lecture from her team every time she thinks about stopping a bad guy like Arrow and doesn't need someone to shout 'Go Supergirl go!' before she can win a fight like Flash...

I'm not saying it's the greatest show on Earth, but it's the best of a bad bunch :D
When will people realise that LoT is the best of the bunch? It's fun, they know it's daft so it doesn't take itself too seriously at all and it has Mick. Plus John Constantine is now joining.
Think that ships sailed, most folk bailed during season one and are utterly unaware that it and Supergirl are the only Arrowverse shows that learned from their early mistakes instead of doubling down on them.
When will people realise that LoT is the best of the bunch? It's fun, they know it's daft so it doesn't take itself too seriously at all and it has Mick. Plus John Constantine is now joining.
Because trying to get through season one is painful! I'm currently trying to but I just can't given up for now.

I shouldn't have to watch a full season to assume it gets good later on
Can see the Cw effect is taking its toll !

This season of supergirl went back to Waah Waah need a boyfriend season again, flash wasn't too bad actually one thing that I don't like is how nearly all these shows have to dumb out the characters so much, we all know from season 1 Barry was a genius with science and tech, but then suddenly you add in other characters and well they need a purpose for just being there, so barry becomes the dumbed down guy. Sometimes he recalls hes actually smart though !

Best example was when Samantha carter from SG1 joined Atlantis and due to Dr Mckay character they made the carter character a brainless commander despite previously showing several times on SG1 that she was in fact just as smart if not smarter then Dr Mckay in all things science and tech.

Still as with anything annoying you kinda have to forget about it and let it ride out otherwise you would never enjoy any show !
Soooo.... The big villain will be Cicada... I like it.. What I like less is that Chris Klein is playing him. :( My god he has done some of the worst acting I have ever seen in a movie or TV show on StreetFighter: The legend of Chun Li! Watch it... Its terrible... Hope he has had some acting lessons or stopped taking drugs.
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