The Flash (2022)

Apparently its meant to affect almost any scene where its meant to be from his POV. Even the cameo from Cage was shot and he was there in person but in the movie it looks odd.

More talk on the cg here from someone who claims to have worked on the movie. Sounds like the videogame industry, people working insane hours including weekends.

Yeah, the demand for CGI has exploded the last few years, you see the same sort of thing with the Marvel films and TV series. Fast X had some bad 90s level CGI at times as well.

Should really give the VFX artists some market power but they still seem massively **** on by the companies. Wouldn’t be so bad if they were raking it in doing weekends etc, but doesn’t look like it’s the case. Stories of them even being locked in till the jobs done at some place a year or to ago.
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There's way too much CGI in modern films. Totally ruins them if you ask me.

I think the flash is bombing largely due to the unsavoury antics of Ezra Miller though.

Not to mention its seems to be a pointless movie as the DCU is moving in another direction with this being the last grunt of the old ensemble for the most part.

They probably missed a trick not continuing on from Snyders Justice league, the world portrayed at the end of that really peaked peoples interest, yet apparently the 'powers that be' know best and would prefer to do their own thing. Including re-hiring Cavill and firing him in the space of a few weeks.
There is rumours that Sasha Calle could return in a new movie based on Supergirl: Woman of tomorrow story. Won't that still be loosely related to the Snyderverse?
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I saw this last night with a friend. I enjoyed it more than he did.

I thought the plot, although unoriginal, the way it was executed was good, with a new idea in time travel with the spaghetti thing which made sense in a way and lead to funny moments which also are well executed.

Ezra Miller is a good actor, he was in every scene and done a good job.

I really enjoyed it, didn't look at my watch even once. Enjoyed it more than Ant-Man Quantumania or the Eternal or any of Marvel Phase 4.

(Yes, Miller IRL is a moron)
Agreed. Time flew by. When it ended, i thought we were only halfway through. Surprised how good Ezra's acting was. Good balance of humour and seriousness.

although i am confused why he didn't clock he was yet in another universe when his dad was cleared in court? He'd seen the tape before!
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Was a lot better than I was expecting.
Crapped on the recent marvel films. On par with gotg 3. Still had it's ropey bits and overly long scenes but. It was ok


Was laughing out loud a lot. Very silly start.
Bad CGI... Almost felt bad on purpose I hope.

Yep, same score and thoughts i'd give it too!
Apparently there were some R rated scenes with her taking out her captors that got cut, would have been interesting to see, maybe a few of them got fried with laser vision? :eek:
Homelander style which would make sense as she didn't hold back nor did she care about "humans"
73% second week box office drop which is virtually "Morbius" levels of drop - I'm just not seeing the public desire building for this enough to make it break even ($210m so far vs $400-500m needed) let alone be a big hit, especially now that word of mouth has gotten around that Keaton's Batman (a big selling point) isn't in this as much as the trailer would suggest which looks to have tanked the film after an OK-ish 1st week -

73% second week box office drop which is virtually "Morbius" levels of drop - I'm just not seeing the public desire building for this enough to make it break even ($210m so far vs $400-500m needed) let alone be a big hit, especially now that word of mouth has gotten around that Keaton's Batman (a big selling point) isn't in this as much as the trailer would suggest which looks to have tanked the film after an OK-ish 1st week -

The movie had a ton of hype and in standard DC form failed to live up to it. Wasn't this billed as the greatest superhero movie to date in a lot of the blurbs? At most IMO it was ok but they really went full moron on the stupid amount of jokes 99% of which failed to hit. The screening i was at that had about 20 people were basically silent throughout the movie.
The movie had a ton of hype and in standard DC form failed to live up to it. Wasn't this billed as the greatest superhero movie to date in a lot of the blurbs? At most IMO it was ok but they really went full moron on the stupid amount of jokes 99% of which failed to hit. The screening i was at that had about 20 people were basically silent throughout the movie.

The Guardian covered this story quite well and the original hype stems from a preview shown at the Las Vegas’ CinemaCon which had lucky "viewers" (social media insiders with early access - what a surprise) calling it "the greatest superhero movie" etc -

The OG Tweet, the "pre-release" replies are perfect when viewed with hindsight!

The Guardian then followed with their own 2/5 review - "despite some diverting touches, Miller’s smirking, gurning, mugging doppelganger performance is a trial"

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