The forgotten FPS thread.

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DailyGeek said:
Ooh, i've remembered another one from lithtech

Shogo: Mobile Armour Division

This is one of my favourite FPSs of all time :cool:
RumbleBee said:
Anyone remember the FPS from the late 90's that used the Half Life Engine. I think the game started out as a mod, but soon turned into a full release. All I can remember is you were shooting Raptors at some stage. I also remember it had a yellow box

I've been searching and searching. Just can't remember the name. It may have been a 2000/2001 release.

Holy thread revival! :eek: :p

I believe you are talking about Gunman Chronicles?

Omg, you actually updated as I posted :/

delta force 2 possibly the grandfarther of the modern military sim. Spent many hours on this one shame the AI was so poor even for its time
i was dissapointed in unreal 2 aswell so i played the first level of it only. Totally forgot about it untill now, im giving this another go :D
Terra Nova Strike Force Centauri :(



Earth Siege 1 + 2 and shattered steel

dunno if Fade to black can be considered a fps
does Descent count as a forgotten FPS?

i used to love the game. one of the first games i played after my dad brought home his office PC for a week with a game my uncle had lent us.


added a screenshot.

Fade To Black, Bioforge, Outcast, Expendable & Nuclear Strike not sure if they count though as all are more arcade shooter than pure FPS. Very good content and ahead of their release time but sadly forgotten or ignored.
Bane said:
Also tried Chaser a few months back. Sucked at that too, so only got pictures from first level.
Have seen Pariah going for £6 on a well known etailer site. Might combine it with an order for Unreal Anthology to get free postage.

Edit: pics added.

I completed Chaser a couple of months back, not a bad game really considering it came out before the 'next gen' shooters of 2004 (FC/D3/HL2). A lot of nice guns and loads of levels (something like 35-40). They obviously put a lot of effort into the story too (there's masses of cutscenes); unfortunately it doesn't really make a whole lot of sense and the voice acting is terrible.

As for Pariah, I completed that last year, similar sort of game to Unreal 2. Was very much going through the motions however and it's not as good as Chaser.
skullman said:
Shadow Warrior:

They dont make games like this anymore!
Looks like a reskinned Duke Nukem 3D. The interface is almost identical and the models look similar.

For me it would be Descent, Descent 1 and 2 were awesome, Descent 3 is more recent but was so bad that no one has seemed willing to even mention the series since. :(

Rise of the Triad was certainly great, as was Heretic and Hexen.

One I'm trying to recall is an FPS on the Playstation (and possibly other platforms) where you had a gun that changed, judge dred style, into various other guns. I only had the demo but really liked it, and can't for the life of me remember what it was called. :(
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Moredhel said:
Looks like a reskinned Duke Nukem 3D. The interface is almost identical and the models look similar.

Thats exactly what it was :p


How about this for a forgotten FPS....

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Black Dog said:
Not forgotton but a classic Castle Wolfenstein


Absolute Classic.

This game STILL has THE best flamethrower effect to this could write your name with it.... :) and make pretty pictures in the sky :D
Moredhel said:
One I'm trying to recall is an FPS on the Playstation (and possibly other platforms) where you had a gun that changed, judge dred style, into various other guns. I only had the demo but really liked it, and can't for the life of me remember what it was called. :(

Cant help you with that but speaking of Judge Dread...

Never played it myself but I remember it was released ;)
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