The forgotten FPS thread.

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molinari said:
The one game I thought of straight away was Terra Nova

what a game, i still have the demo at home on a classic fps shooters cd. If only something could be brought out like dosbox but fast. I want to play these games.
Another old one was Bram Stokers Dracula. Can't find any screenshots of it as all I can find on google is pics of a dracula platformer. Must have come out around 92-93, little bit newer than Wolfenstein but older than Doom I think.
I've just remember the South Park game as well. Thats one that got taken back.

First level involved killing about 500 turkeys with snowballs :(
JoeDr3dd said:
Don't forget GORE! :D

Lol quite possibly the worst MP game I ever played. I recall trying the demo and then the game nosediving shortly after. :)

Its not an FPS but from what I recall the first game I ever played on a pc was Dune 2 for many many hours, followed by many many upgrades and AvP :)

I would bet money both games are still here somewhere.

Xfire - Boofuls
(OcUK thread!)
Whoop said:
Its not an FPS but from what I recall the first game I ever played on a pc was Dune 2 for many many hours, followed by many many upgrades and AvP :)

Dune! That rocked immensely... I played it on my friend's a600 and it seemed 'a little slow'. Then I tried it on a PC a year or two later and couldn't keep up with all the units moving at triple normal speed. Fun stuff :)
Fulcrum said:
Hrm, was that the one where you dug holes for them to fall into and then whacked them on the head or is that dig dug maybe. There was another one where the space alien comes down the screen and even faster when you fired at him, think that was blue meanies though.

I was only like 7 at the time, still knew how to change the code to alter the keys though :D

Blue Meanies is what it was called (like in that wacky Beatles cartoon). Can only just remember it. I *think* the 'meanies' dropped down the centre section of the screen to try to land whilst you blasted them from either side of a canyon. It was one of the free games that came with the Vic20.
Was a cool game -tried unsuccessfully to find it when I tried out a commoder emulator a while back :*(

Anyone remember that game on the Commodore Pet where you had to lure zombies into holes? Was dead simple -just you, a few holes randomly placed & increasing numbers of zombies that slowly came after you in a straight line.
Awesome fun :D
Nobody's mentioned Realms of the Haunting. Brilliant horror FPS, must have been the mid 90's sometime. Had a load of well acted FMV in it too, started in a creepy old mansion.

Terra Nova's been mentioned already, but deserves another plug. Years ahead of it's time, like all the Looking Glass games.
Gore: Ultimate Soldier

Just been trying the final release demo, sinlge player mode. Suffice to say I suck at the game (reactions slowing down with age), so here's two screenshots from the start of the level.


Oh god the name's that are flooding back now :D

Cant remember the specifics about the game's themselves but I do remember owning the likes of Blood, Outlaws and Shadow Warrior. Cant remember whether I purchased Redneck Rampage and Rise of the Triad or not :confused:
Also tried Chaser a few months back. Sucked at that too, so only got pictures from first level.


Adrenaline mode (think bullet time)

Have seen Pariah going for £6 on a well known etailer site. Might combine it with an order for Unreal Anthology to get free postage.

Edit: pics added.
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titaniumx3 said:
Unreal II: The Awakening

One severely underrated singleplayer game imho; had some seriously awe inspiring and totally jaw dropping moments.


I remember all the hype leading up to that game. That's why it didn't get good reviews. Heaps of people including myself were really dissapointed in it.
Anyone remember the FPS from the late 90's that used the Half Life Engine. I think the game started out as a mod, but soon turned into a full release. All I can remember is you were shooting Raptors at some stage. I also remember it had a yellow box

I've been searching and searching. Just can't remember the name. It may have been a 2000/2001 release.

Edit. Found it
Gunman Chronicles

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