Poll: The GD Referendum – Scottish Independence

Your vote

  • Yay, I want to be free

    Votes: 161 19.9%
  • Nay, never untie the knot

    Votes: 441 54.4%
  • Don’t care about Haggis and chips.

    Votes: 209 25.8%

  • Total voters
Cannae was a city in the Roman Empire, at no time did I say it was or ever was in Scotland so you are either blind or making that up.

You said what you said. Deny it all you like. You tried to be clever and it failed spectacularly.

You can't take a criticism so get all beaten up about it is the long and short of it.
We'll lose at least 3/4 of our Olympic medals, that's for sure :p

Also Scotland's economy will collapse, the Tories will take over England forever, there'll be bloodshed on the streets, and West Life will get back together. Absolute disaster for everyone if they vote Yes :p

BT should have highlighted the West Life thing, honestly it'd have been a completely different campaign if they had..
I dunno, this has wider ramifications than a coalition government.


We have to give them a sizeable amount of our armed forces.

For so many reason's I think this is an horrendous idea.
It's such a huge and unnecessary backward step.

If it happens Britain is a shadow of it's former self
You said what you said. Deny it all you like. You tried to be clever and it failed spectacularly.

You can't take a criticism so get all beaten up about it is the long and short of it.

Either you are a barefaced liar or delusional.

This is my post you seem to have difficulty with.

Hey "man of honour" calling other arses is against the rules, you are suppose to set an example.

Bye bye (Cannae see your BS anymore).

P.S : Cannae was a city in the Roman Empire (since you are not very clued up on the topic of Scotland or Romans). :D

And yes it was edited once to fix typo before you even seen it and at no time does it say it was/is in Scotland.

Again you cannot take criticism from myself or that other peep on this topic so once again touché hypocrite and you were wrong about the historic facts.

No wonder they conquered you.
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Either you are a barefaced liar or delusional.

This is my post you seem to have difficulty with.

And yes it was edited once to fix typo before you even seen it and at no time does it say it was/is in Scotland.

And it clearly and concisely connects the City with Scotland, to quote you: "since you are not very clued up on the topic of Scotland or Romans".

As I said, I understand that Cannae is both the site of a Battle in the Punic Wars and also a colloquial contraction of Cannot. One is not connected to other, which you implied in your post. Which belies your accusation somewhat.

No matter how you edit it or try to alter it, it says what it says and calling me names doesn't really make your point any more valid.

Again you cannot take criticism from myself or that other peep on this topic) so once again touché hypocrite and you were wrong about the historic facts..

Your criticism is unwarranted as what I have written is correct. Nothing I have stated is not supported by history, in fact what has been stated by that other "peep" as you refer to him was taken from a fictional book called the Eagle of the Ninth and not from the historical record...what I stated in reply was..and was also what was stated in the very link you gave to support your view...perhaps instead of throwing insults around and getting all uptight over things you have said but cannot justify, you should read the source you gave instead. Either way, you are in a dead end street keep bring this up with me as nothing you say will alter what I have said, unless you have access to a Delorean and a flux capacitor.

No wonder they conquered you.

They didn't conquer me. I wasn't alive to begin with and my ancestral family was unlikely to have been in England (or Britannia) either.
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Yay vote from an Englishman here. 2 reasons

1) They get shafted by westminster and the tories London centric polices so if they want to be free from that then good luck to them.

2) To me at least they are foreigners and I view them with the same disinterest as I would with people from Latvia or Eritrea.
@ Castiel, When/where did I say it was in Scotland like you keep going on about as I did not so you cannot back up jack.

Once again I said it was part of the Roman Empire as web links show and unlike you we did not get conquered so cannot be in the Roman Empire.
Can a moderator just delete the Roman drivel? It has nothing to do with the topic.

True and to be the bigger man I will leave thread as he cannot back up jack as its all there to see what I and the other peep said on topic. :)

Topics do wander though as it was to do with someone saying "build a wall" to keep us out.
And it clearly and concisely connects the City with Scotland, to quote you: "since you are not very clued up on the topic of Scotland or Romans".
I agree that it was ambiguously worded and we interpreted it the same way.

Can a moderator just delete the Roman drivel? It has nothing to do with the topic.
+1 *sigh*

Also, have a NAY vote because I don't want to have to take a passport with me when I go there :D
Castiel, in blinded arguing the tiniest point in the stupidest of arguments, what a shock.

Listen, and understand. Castiel can't be bargained with. He can't be reasoned with. He doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And he absolutely will not stop, ever, until you concede.
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