The Godless - OcUK Guild Wars Guild Members Details...........................

simplest thing to do, especially with the HoM, is to prioritise, look at the calculater, and see what is attainable quickly, what requires work, what takes some farming, what takes a lot of farming, and what is just insane..

getting GM Cartographer for Elonia, puts me one statue short of a 'full display' in the HoM and that particular one, will give me another 3 points, which will be nice :)
Only realised yesterday that i had never even touched nightfall! I'd played about half of the factions story, played the whole prophecies story and got to grips with the EoTN but when i bought all the expansions years ago didn't realise that i had a whole different area in the form of nightfall to play!

Sad thing is now though i won't ever complete it, at least not without 7 other regular players to play with, prophecies was so much fun back in the day when it was extremly active and there were always real people to jump in to the game with. Now im just playing through with henchmen :(
well, if I'm around and you need help, give me a shout..

Besides which, with the exception of one that was rather tougher with heros than real people, most of the nightfalls quests can be done solo, so don't worry too much..

(that said, I've still got the realm of torment to do, so I could be wrong)

Same goes for factions, I can solo all but one of the quests, so any help you need, just holler..
Only realised yesterday that i had never even touched nightfall! I'd played about half of the factions story, played the whole prophecies story and got to grips with the EoTN but when i bought all the expansions years ago didn't realise that i had a whole different area in the form of nightfall to play!
I could see if this guild that quickly accepted me will invite you? They are usually doing high lvl dungeon runs rather than missions. But as I said, I've just bought NF so if you're up for some missions we can at least run with 2 players!
9/50 here. I Have not tried any of the easy points yet so should try soon. My Guild leader has 50 (suprise!).

47 is sick. I hope the ones you are missing are not protector of ascalan and survivor.

I am really only playing for fun atm. Factions is good fun; I'm less keen on many of the NF missions lthough in HM they do get quite good. If I can help give me a shout IGN 'Focused Pocus'.
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I have Survivor, and Legendary Defender of Ascalon so no I don't need them.. just 1 mini-pet that I don't have already, and 2 weapons, 1 must be an oppressor weapon, the other can be oppressor or tormented.
Wowser, busy you are indeed.

meanwhile, I am working on my GM Cartographer for Tyria, before I think about getting back to the stupid WiK

Busy? Yes thats the term for someone who wastes months of time getting LDoA essentially doing the same thing 100000 times :rolleyes:

I seem to recall there being some custom stuff that reveals everything on the map that can be explored and highlights whats missing. I'd check the GW forums like GWInc and GWGuru to see if you can find any info on them. Tbh it wasn't that hard getting Cantha or Elona (or EotN), the absolute bitch was getting Tyria... that place is seriously hard. Think i must've done Thunderhead Keep about 5 times back in the day because i swear i'd got everything then it'd turn out i'd missed a bit...

Nothing wrong with a bit of henchman tbh.... well pure henchman yes but Hero/Hench no. Can get some interesting team builds with them.
I still play now and again. Was pretty active a month or so back after I got back into it, i'm about 90% done Vanquishing Elona.

Vanquishing is a great title to go for, because while doing it you'll almost certainly max out your Sunspear and Lightbringer title tracks as well.

Also, while clearing areas you'll be killing all the bosses so you can also take cap sigs to work on that title track.

Furthermore, as you are clearing entire areas of enemies you will be effectively mapping the entire place at the same time.

Multiple birds with one stone :D

BTW - If anyone wants to add me I'm Iorek Valr
Is there an easy way to see what you are missing from the cartographer stuff?

textmod helped me, there was no way I could have finished the carty otherwise.

I have Survivor, and Legendary Defender of Ascalon so no I don't need them.. just 1 mini-pet that I don't have already, and 2 weapons, 1 must be an oppressor weapon, the other can be oppressor or tormented.

Texmod is a great help for finding those last few points

Currently got both Cantha and Tyria at about 96% and of course Elonia is done, Tyria should be easy from here, as there's a lot that I didnt uncover in a few places, just spent a good few hours clearing the jungle area and doing the coastal missions.

As to hardmode, I find it seriously depressing to do hardmode on my own, so I avoid it. Maybe once I finish everything else, then I'll start on that, cartographer first, then finish nightfall, then wik (hate it), then I'll see what else I gotta do.

Cantha and Tyria done finally, only took me all week to find every little crook and granny, but finally I got Legendary Cartographer :) and while I was at it, picked up Protector of Tyria too, five titles maxed in quick succession = first rank of 'Kind of a big deal' which is also awesome..

Okay, so I'm nowhere near 50/50, in fact I'm only now at 18/50, but I'm happy :)

Next week, the realm of torment to finish off nightfall, and then I suppose I really should be getting along with WiK
I know what you mean about being no fun with heroes and henchies, but for the most part, for the core story, that's what you will get. There is still a lot of people playing, but you have to accept that most of the time, they've all done the storyline stuff.

However, the War in Kryta (hate it, hate it I do) and Heart of the North, still have many people doing them, and its just a matter of finding people at the right times, and of course, with the zaishen missions (dailies), you will find a lot of folk out doing those too.

As to guilds, I have a guild of just two people, myself and an old friend, so if anyone wants an invite, give me a shout, if a few of us are wanting to team up and have fun, its a good way to start.
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