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The GTX 980 Ti owners thread.

I think you're really cherry picking your comparison there. Your overclocked card vs a stock 1080 on an irrelevant benchmark. In games the 1080 is a good 20-40% faster, has more memory and uses far less power. Personally it's too expensive for me but it soundly trumps the 980Ti.
No, not a good 20-40% faster. At best, 10-35%, and I already have a card that does that: a non-reference GTX 980 Ti.


As you can see, it takes an overclocked 1080 to beat an overclocked 980 Ti G1, and even then it's only a 14% increase, which hardly qualifies as "soundly trumps".

There is a clear parallel here: just like the 980 was a poor upgrade for the 780 Ti, the 1080 is not a significant upgrade for the 980 Ti.
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No, not a good 20-40% faster. At best, 10-35%, and I already have a card that does that: a non-reference GTX 980 Ti.


As you can see, it takes an overclocked 1080 to beat an overclocked 980 Ti G1, and even then it's only a 14% increase, which hardly qualifies as "soundly trumps".

There is a clear parallel here: just like the 980 was a poor upgrade for the 780 Ti, the 1080 is not a significant upgrade for the 980 Ti.

Agreed. A little underwhelmed with the 1080. If it was cooler and quieter than my custom 980ti, and significantly faster, then I would be tempted. The fact my ti is very similar in performance while being quieter and cooler make an upgrade no sense.

I will however be keen to see what is on the table when the 1080ti custom cards come out. With solid over 2ghz boosts, lowers temps and noise, now that would be something to get excited about!
I have an overclocked 780ti and you'd need to overclock a 980 just to match it let alone exceed it. That said you could and you could go further with the 980 and it would be better than my 780ti but like the 1080/980ti it's perhaps not significant.
Might as well of stuck with the 980ti in the first place then. :p

Seems a wasted effort.

Roll on 1080Ti . . .

With the 1080 standard coming in much cheaper than the founders edition it will cost me 150 to upgrade...

Not bad...

And easier to stomach for new shiny and faster performance plus resale value...and new tech 8gb ram etc...:p
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I was on the fence with the 1080 upgrade, but seeing the prices kind of discouraged me. I paid £570 for my 980Ti G1 last August, I don't really want to sell it at a substantial loss.

Unless board partners are coming in with a cheaper price point, I'm sticking with my 980Ti until the 1080Ti. Will the 980Ti still hold its own until then?
Yeah im not bothered about the 1080 tbh not enough preformance for the hassle in the games i play right now on my x34 i don't have any noticable problems with my 980ti to wanna chuck more money at it some of the videos are only showing a 10fps increase.

Moving up from a 970 was worth it from going from 1080 to 1440, but to a 1080 won't be for me ill wait till the end of the year when the titan might come out.
We've had some pretty bad AMD v Nvidia threads but this time round its actually turning into Nvidia v Nvidia petty squabbles.
AMD need to get a star card out now and undercut Nvidia to address the balance. Is it just me or have they been awfully quiet ?
Yeah im not bothered about the 1080 tbh not enough preformance for the hassle in the games i play right now on my x34 i don't have any noticable problems with my 980ti to wanna chuck more money at it some of the videos are only showing a 10fps increase.

Moving up from a 970 was worth it from going from 1080 to 1440, but to a 1080 won't be for me ill wait till the end of the year when the titan might come out.

Same here, upgrades like 1080to1440 monitor res you needed a beefy card like the 980ti. I to had the 970 and when I upgraded my monitor found I needed more power to run games at high/ultra settings @1440
Selling my 970 and buying a 980ti was about a £300 upgrade but worth it at the time. I can't see another £300 being worth it for the 20% or whatever it will be performance wise.

For all the NVidia marketing its about the same performance increase the 900series had over the 700series and why would NVidia change that?

1080ti or even Volta next for me.

I started my PC up after 2 weeks away and on the Windows login screen (Win 10) I got a few blotchy coloured squares. Thought nothing of it but playing BF4 over the weekend and the game went to windowed mode and got the colourful squares again.

Didn't last long and was able to keep playing but is this an indication the card is on its way out?

It the MSI 6G and its running stock!

I started my PC up after 2 weeks away and on the Windows login screen (Win 10) I got a few blotchy coloured squares. Thought nothing of it but playing BF4 over the weekend and the game went to windowed mode and got the colourful squares again.

Didn't last long and was able to keep playing but is this an indication the card is on its way out?

It the MSI 6G and its running stock!

Take the card out, clean the slot, re-insert. See if it happens again.
I'm ditching my 980 Ti SLI setup for a single Hybrid 1080. SLI has been great overall but what I found was that even a single 980 Ti runs most of my games with very high settings at 3440x1440. The second card only makes a sizeable difference in a select number of games such as Dragon Age Inquisition, Witcher 3, and Assassin's Creed games. I wasn't able to overclock the cards in SLI because of temperature limits and my thought is that a single hybrid 1080 with a strong overclock will give me performance that, on average, will give me a similar performance to my previous setup.

My other reason for wanting to stick to single cards is that you only lose value on one card when it comes time to sell. An obvious point but you only really get it when it comes time to sell two. Once the 1080 Ti comes around I'll happily upgrade to that.
If you are playing the Division and want every last ounce of perf then the 1080 seems like a decent step on. The Division shows the biggest increase as it is the most GPU bound game of the current generation.

That said, I would really wait for the Gigabyte G1. EVGA will be binning their chips and the Classified don't get the best chips anymore. IMHO Gigabyte 980/980ti cards were the fastest on average of the last gen, that's why I bought one :)

The waterforce took 6 months to appear from launch tho, don't know whether I will hold out that long with Polaris on the horizon.
I'm ditching my 980 Ti SLI setup for a single Hybrid 1080. SLI has been great overall but what I found was that even a single 980 Ti runs most of my games with very high settings at 3440x1440. The second card only makes a sizeable difference in a select number of games such as Dragon Age Inquisition, Witcher 3, and Assassin's Creed games. I wasn't able to overclock the cards in SLI because of temperature limits and my thought is that a single hybrid 1080 with a strong overclock will give me performance that, on average, will give me a similar performance to my previous setup.

Honestly think the 1080 is quite a downgrade from 980Tis in SLI, especially for your resolution which is not too far off of 4k. Even stock 980Tis in SLI are beastly, but as we all know scaling depends on the software. About 1 DX12 game supports SLI right now which is ridiculous. It's worth noting even one 980Ti at 1430MHz is not far off a stock 1080. If you check the Gamers Nexus review of the Hybrid 1080 mod with a 2100MHz OC it showed very little actual fps increase over their max oc with the reference cooler. Pascal currently shows poor performance scaling with OCing.

I would not think you will see any large benefit between selling two 980TIs or one 1080. Firstly, the 1080 is overpriced for it's place in the full Pascal hierarchy, which NVIDIA will slowly reveal for maximum profit. Secondly the 1080 will truly be knocked off of it's perch when the 1080Ti comes out. The Titan X came out 6 months after the 980, with the cut down Ti a few months after. At the end of the day though if you fancy something new and shiny in one simple package then it's up to you.
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Bought a 1440p, 144hz G Sync XB270HU yesterday. Loving every second so far. Bye bye 4K! Not TOO missed.

So many games to see what how much FPS I can get now I'm not stuck at 60.
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