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The GTX Titan X owners thread.

I'm debating whether or not to get a 2nd. Using a ROG Swift and coming from SLI 780Ti's, so have a bit less raw grunt.

If Gsync, SLI and DSR could all be used in conjunction, then I feel SLI Titan X's on the Swift would be fantastic, but as it is right now I feel SLI at 1440p is a bit overkill.

Thoughts on anyone using SLI on the Swift?
Just wondering if anyone has some fps results for gta v at 1440 p maxed out on 1 Titan x? I am sooooo close to taking the plunge with the asus Titan x to replace my 2 gtx 980 soc. They manage to hit 45-65 all on high but that's at the best aggressive oc I can get out of um and they spike 81 degrees after 30 mins and that's before summer! :/

Let me test it out and post results in an hour or so.

1440p fully maxed ? as in 8xMSAA etc ?
Well after watching gregsters footage of gta v guess my 980s do pretty well. But dam the Titan x runs circles around the 980s in bf4 my fps it about 20-40 behind the Titan x! Thanks for the YouTube link tonster and thanks gregster for doing the tube videos :)
Water would get you more than 100MHz, 1500 should be doable for a lot of units.

i might be able to get that on air anyway, but i'm damned if i'm going to spend 360 quid for water, if i can get close to that on air for only 65 quid
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Going down the AIO route would be less costly, potentially still give a bit more headroom and most importantly definitely be quieter. If I didn't already have a custom loop and only required the gpu block, this is what I would be doing.

definitely but take care because mine is almost 5 slots deep and really heavy, and all the other tripple coolers are too, but you cant beat its performance over stock.....

but to be honest, the more you game the more you get used to the noise of the Reference cooler
Spends £900 on a card, quibbles over £360 to cool it properly?
Does it on the cheap, the PCB was bending more than an airliners wing, ran it without the backplate (which cools the VRM, ram etc) i think you have your priorities mixed up. Varnish the card, only logical.
Yes plz africanos123 would great to see the results all settings on very high/ ultra with mssa x4





Felt like 60 FPS to me to be honest.

Titan X (stock) 1189/7000

Frames, Time (ms), Min, Max, Avg
2587, 60000, 30, 58, 43.117

Titan X (Mild OC) 1389/7400

Frames, Time (ms), Min, Max, Avg
2892, 60000, 33, 63, 48.200

This is the first scene you drive a car.
Spends £900 on a card, quibbles over £360 to cool it properly?
Does it on the cheap, the PCB was bending more than an airliners wing, ran it without the backplate (which cools the VRM, ram etc) i think you have your priorities mixed up. Varnish the card, only logical.

if you knew what you're saying you'd make make more sense, but as usual you post in without thinking first.
i'm well aware of what the back plate does, it was left off for a good reason but it didn't work, well what, unlike you i like to experiment and build things which means i make mistakes quite often.

but a man that never makes mistakes is a man that's never lived.....
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Sounds like a personal attack to me. Do you mind elaborating slightly?

i dont need to, because you know what i think of you......... so your ploy right now to get me to insult you, so i'll get deleted again wont work, because you keep trying this !!!!
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If you're going custom loop, you may as well do the whole system.

I faced a similar problem with xfired 290s, which were rather loud. I ended up going the AIO route, with an adapter and H55 on each card. Total cost £100, but would have been £50 for a single card.

I'm not sure which adapter would be best suited to the Titan, though. Not sure I'd trust a £900 graphics card to a Kraken G10, which leaves other components on the card exposed.
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