The High-Res Screenshot Thread!

How many players on this? will be on tonight pieman... i love the ppk!.

Edit - i think i'm well over the certain age.

The level max was 24, but unless we all flood it it will probly be 10-15.

Anyone who bought an n64 just for this game is the age group im talking about..... gramps!

I'd be up for playing this too. Used to love it on the N64. I just need HL2 I take it?

You just need any source engine game. Here is the wiki on installing GE:S Clicky.

Just downloaded this. Going to give it a go tonight. Looks sweet :)

I'll be on GE source tonight maybe, if I get college work finished. I'll post my steam id in the GE thread.

Cool, would be good to get a few people on, ive only just started playing this myself, if anyone wants to add me on steam feel free. Id is pieplough.
Downloading Goldeneye source now, might be on later if I have the time. Can you make an OcUK steam group for this? Not sure how it works, steam id is the same as my username.

EDIT: Just went on, one other person on there and a server reporting 10 people but I was the only one when I connected.
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Couple of views from FSX, enjoy:







Soya, its nice to see you're still playing FSX. Ive not had the guts to wipe my 400GB partition yet. It got two trojens making the internet unusable but FSX still runs fine so i left it. Been playing Microsoft FS games for years now but havent played it since i posted my last screen shots...




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More Morrowind awesome sauce. Old pics I took about a year or so ago when messing about with distant land, various shaders and texture packs. So be aware of the horrible over bloom. Had some nicer ones but no idea where they went.






Ali95: nice shots of the F16 there, sorry 2 hear about your HD problem. You could backup your fsx files (all files in simobjects/airplanes if you made any mods and the .cfg files esp fsx.cfg) then reformat drive, reinstall and simply copy the files back over. Takes a while but might be worth it.

naffa: Thank you for the 'positive' comments, cheers.

voodooGT: The thread on HDR is here should also be links for DL in there.
- just copy both files to FSXs main directory
- start FSX (works in DX9 mode only! As DX10 has HDR build in)
- switch the effect on/off by using SHIFT + F12

rambo89: Glad you liked the shots.
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