The Hunter

anyone still playing this?

i just dl it and bought 3 months membership,just woundering do you only hunt alone,or can hunt like in deerhunter 2005 where there is a few people on the map at same time
well its been a while fellow hunters :D

finally news has come !

there is going to be big news next week cant wait :cool:

hopefully this great game can get back on track and we get all the new stuff we originally hoped for like the big island new animals and so on.

heres the news that came through yesterday

Today's News
Community Update

Friday, 15th January 2010

Hello all,

Despite the recent extreme weather the team are now back in the office and running through your customer support queries as fast as possible. Please do bear with us while we catch up on the back log.

We are also aware that some players are cheating. We are actively looking into this and we do have methods of tracking this activity. Anyone found cheating will suffer the consequences. You have been warned!

In other news – we are hoping to make an important announcement sometime next week. Watch this space!

Kind regards,

TheHunter Team

so looks very good news indeed.

lots of the old regulars are playing again and most of my squad have renewed there licenses and after the trophies :D
I still have a license for another month but was not going to renew. Have not played it for ages.

Let's hope the big island is soon to be open as I will definitely play it again.

Avalanche Studios

Avalanche Studios is an independent games developer, based on original and licensed content. We are driven by a passion for games and develop games we would love to play ourselves.

Avalanche Studios acquires the rights to theHunter

Posted by:

den 17 februari 2010

Avalanche Studios, the developer of theHunter game client today announced the acquisition of the full rights to theHunter intellectual property. The studio will assume and continue the development and will soon announce the future plans for the game.

The rights to theHunter were previously owned by Emote Games Ltd while the rights to the Avalanche Engine, the game engine behind theHunter were owned by Avalanche Studios.

“We are very happy that the discussions were concluded in our favor.” comments Linus Blomberg, Founder & Chief Technology Officer of Avalanche Studios. “The game has unfortunately suffered from the extremely tough business climate during 2009. We are fully committed to the development of theHunter and to the continued investment in the IP. We will reach out to the community as soon as possible as we are transferring the operations and development of the service to our premises.”

Avalanche Studios aim to have as little downtime of the game as possible during the transfer of the service. As the transfer has been completed a new update of the game is planned with new exciting content, including a new game environment, new animals, and new weapons.

“theHunter presents us with very exciting opportunities, and we have high ambitions for this game” comments Christofer Sundberg, Founder & Creative Director of Avalanche Studios. “Having control over all aspects of the service puts us in a good position to cooperate closely with the community and improve the experience even further.”

For more information about theHunter and to play the game please visit

Category: theHunter

Tags theHunter Avalanche Studios
Sorry to revive the thread a little, but Dg, i wasnt aware you can talk to people while playing, Ive just reinstated my membership, havent hunted since the middle of 09 lol

Edit/ also can we have a list of names so we can add them to friends list so we can compare things and keep track of peoples kills. Mine is Viluxia.
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sorry matey send me a request again didnt know who you were and i get loads of nablets saying add me sorry :D

on the game we at team Q

we are doing very well and a lot of the old school players are still active and winning trophies :p had two last week and two week before :D also my mate won the gold for turkey last week aswell .

there will be news tonight when it comes should be very soon . hopefully more news on the big island and release date were all waiting for.

for those that dont know the big island will be the next update to the game its like 50 times as big as white heart reserve. theres going to be new weapons , new animals , which one was confirmed as a wild pig/ boar also more features and rivers or lakes in land .

should be a mssive boost cant wait for it to come as this is main game i play now :cool:

they also just got took over by avalanche who make just cause game. they own all so no messing about like last time so things should be a lot quicker and a lot simpler in future. they are already talking to members daily and updating us every week on a weds to whats happening no matter what.

if you havent tried it goto you can try the game for free but you only get limited amount of things like one species to hunt and only few weapons.

wild boar come get some !

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Status Update - 24th Mar 2010

Postby Stefan Pettersson on Wed Mar 24, 2010 10:23 pm
Welcome to yet another weekly status update.

It is interesting to see how many more forum users are online at this time than normally. I wonder why? ;) I do not dare to think of the day when my internet connection suddenly breaks down, postponing the status update a day... ;)

This time we got some news... and some answers.

Expansive Worlds

Avalanche Studios forms a new development studio that will focus on community-driven subscription-based titles. In other words - theHunter! This is an important step and shows the commitment we have in theHunter to continously keep evolving it, together with you - the community.

The name of the new studio will be Expansive Worlds. Read more about it in the pressrelease available at

We are hiring

We are also hiring a Community Manager that will also, among other things, be responsible for Customer Support. To read more about the position, please see the list of vacant positions at the Avalanche Studios website.

The new area

The new area that will be released in the next content update is the south west peninsula of the Big Island. It will have roughly the same size as Whitehart Island.

License to hunt the new animals in the new area will be granted without an additional fee to all existing memberships.

I do also want to address another question regarding pioneers. We will (of course) honor the pioneers and they will keep their benefits. However, we do not see that the pioneer membership will be re-introduced.

And when will we see it?

There are still a lot of uncertainties, but with every day we make progress. This means that it is still very hard for us to set a definitive release date.

With that said (can't leave you with only that, right?)... we are targeting the content update release at the end of May.

Yep. There you go. Move along. :)

Like those rocks?

Of course we cannot end without some good looking screenshots...

cant wait for may now ! looks amazing and so large :eek:
So the end of May they are aiming for, i reckon they will get it, no word on weapons though, i want a semi auto rifle, 5 bullet clip, that would make things a little even when picking out the best lol
Status Update - 31st Mar 2010

Postby Stefan Pettersson on Wed Mar 31, 2010 7:55 pm
Time for a status update, actually the sixth.

It was just a little over five weeks ago the legal papers were signed regarding the acquisition of theHunter. It marked a fresh new start of the game and a small team was put together and more recruited (all have not even started fulltime yet, including myself).

Despite it was only five weeks ago we are very happy with the progress. Migration of everything with the assistance by former Emote staff has overall been smooth, and only a few formal things are left to do. In the meantime we've picked up the client where it was left off and, as announced in the previous status update, work on the new area is underway.

Release strategy

Our plan is to work iteratively, with frequent releases. There are different kind of releases. We have the 'big' updates which include a new animal and/or a new area (an animal roughly means 6 man-months of work including modelling, programming, sound, AI, etc - that is why not every status update will include a new animal ;)). Next we have updates that address gameplay features and bugs, these releases will be more frequent than the content releases.

In parallel to this we are working on serverside and web releases including missions, competitions, etc. These releases are independent of the client so they will be smaller but more frequent.

We do it this way to keep a flow of new things coming out and at the same time having the flexibility to be able to swiftly address issues.


Talking about issues... we have recently seen the use of exploits to gain advantages in competitions. This is sad, and not in the spirit of the game, and explicitly prohibited according to the Terms Of License (see point 21 and 22 under User Conduct).

Some of these exploits have been corrected in the client, but requires a release. However, this kind of cheating is easily detect on the server (i.e. we have collected the user names of users "cheating"). We have spent some time developing a system to be able to manage this in a better way.

We will soon be able to use this new system, and will also take appropriate action against cheaters. Sadly, but necesary, this means we will have to warn and in some cases ban a number of users due to their unacceptable behavior.


While working on the new content we do also want to address as many bugs and flaws as possible in the upcoming release. We have some ideas but we want to take the opportunity to get your feedback.

To keep this managable and constructive, I would like you to post your personal top 3 list of bugs or flaws you would like to see fixed.

Here is my list:

* Animals dying out of "render space" not registering
* Animals in water can't be claimed
* Cannot aim downwards when prone

Oh... don't mention the bugs I just listed, they are already fixed. :) We have also told the other big animals to not be so scared of the coyotes. ;)

What is your list? (this time, please keep it to bugs, not feature requests or additional content)

The new area

As mentioned in the previous status update the new area included in the next release is the south west peninsula of the Big Island.

Here is a more detailed map of it (together with Whitehart Island): (click images to see full size if cropped)

...and let's finish off this week with a beautiful sunset...

so all in all sounds pretty good cant wait :cool:
Holy moly that looks good, some nice fixes too so all in all should make it even more of a pleasure to go kill some innocent animals lol i do like my mules and elks lol
Status Update - 7th Apr 2010

Postby Stefan Pettersson on Wed Apr 07, 2010 7:05 pm
Time for a status update after the holidays. Have you recovered yet?

Holidays are nice, but what is even better is they're now over so we can get back to work on the next update to theHunter. ;) Still on target for a release at the end of May.

Naming the new area

In the previous Status Update you saw a map of the new area, you've also seen some screenshots and the Feral Hog.

We've been trying to come up with a good name for the new area. A name with meaning and background that makes sense. We have got some ideas but are open for suggestions. Got a name? Please write it in a reply.

Migration milestone

Last week we accomplished a significant milestone in the migration process of taking over operations and server-side development from Emote after the acquisition.

The milestone consisted of a complete build and deploy of all parts of the game (made on development servers of course, to not affect the uptime of the live game). We got the game client, the launcher, the game server, render server and web server interacting as they should. This makes the work on the update much easier since we now are able to do complete test runs involving both the client and server.

As mentioned earler all server stuff is new to us since Avalanche previously only worked on the client, but we're starting to know our way around the server code base and how to operate everything. I know our server-side wiz Emil who start in less than a month has a lot of great ideas. :)

Weapons and Equipment

We are also planning some additional weapons and equipment for the update.

Here are some...

- A new, more powerful, compound bow (great for hog hunting ;))
- Hog hunting scent
- Scope to the .30-06 Lever Action Rifle

Talking about weapons and equipment, what would you like to see? Personally I would like to see a muzzle loader rifle. But please do not only think about weapons, what other hunting gear would add to the experience?

By the way, what do you think about the Huntermate minigames (Bust Through and Lane Bandit) have you played them?

Here is an image of the new .30-06 scope - looks awesome!

Oh, our friend the feral hog just wanted to say hi as well... ;-)

so looking good and cant wait every week that goes by cant go quick enough :p
yeah it used to suck badly can shoot pretty far iron sighted but if you have a .300 no point as u use the better weapon especially if you just tracked a animal for a long while and is a monster :D

the new bow sounds interesting aswell
Im not that sure how they can make it more powerfull, any more power and it will lose some effective range and will be hard to judge the drops, I think after the scope is released ill use the .30-06 all the time.
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