The Hunter

you may have corrupted dl or something i dont know but its pretty simple to download

i know cause i did one on another pc yesterday ;)

the bear and the new island is hopefully being released tomorrow

All fixed. Still got all my guns but back to one deer until I pay. You can tell they have been working on this a lot, the graphics are getting better and better. Just little tweaks here and there. Awesome. :)
dl is now live
well to give some a idea of what its like i will take aload of picks and edit them in here just to show .

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Might have to reinstall this and have another go also. :)
I just got a discount code email for a subscription, my sub ended last year and at the time I had no time to play but I have more time now. I had a quick 15 min session and I may well pay for another year, it's addictive. Thankfully I still have my .300, .44 and bow just limited ammo for them. I'd like to explore the new areas and see the new animals.
for any one wishing to try this its a free elk weekend and you can also see new island aswell :cool:

Today's News
Elk Weekend - Free For All

Saturday, 14th May 2011

This weekend is Elk Weekend!

Elk is free to hunt for both guests and members! Experience the beauty of Redfeather Falls and harvest yourself a real trophy bull elk.

To help you out Doc's Outfitters features a 20% discount on your elk hunting gear. Get 20% off on the .300, .30-06, .44, bugle call and elk scents. Only this weekend!
to hunt animals like a ethical hunter would :)

it is very realistic game not like other hunting games like cabelas and so on which are like arcade games. this is a sim.

a lot of the content is based on real stuff real areas and done by real hunters.

the graphics will give anything a run for its money even crysis 1 .

worth a try of the free version even if your just sight seeing :cool:
I looked at some screenies on the developers site, the engine does look pretty swish. Still i think id get more pleasure out of shooting someone who can actually dodge or shoot me back like in BFBC2!
yeah understand about that but where the games based its a part of life.

people either like hunting or hate it but this is a game :)
Actually, you'b be surprised. If all your pleasure is in blowing the crap out of everything with a machine gun then perhaps its not for you, the pleasure here is tracking and stalking your prey.

I've been replaying the free version again for the last few days since upgrading to 2 8800's and I've been coming home at 1am and playing until 5am :( Very addictive.

But typical, just bought the 3 month trial only for server issues to kick in today while they upgrade :(

As said above, I am totally against hunting for pleasure in real life. But this is a game and its really good.
No warning of the update on the homepage this morning then 7 hours of downtime while the repair it due to a human error on their end = :(

Finally getting to log in to find that you are back on a guest account after upgrading between last database save and the restore = :mad:

Fired off and email, hope I get a quick response! I want to kill some hogs!!
there has been a reply to this on the forums anyone who brought anything last twenty four hrs it is logged and sorted . so dont worry you wont lose anything .

servers back up and running with all latest updates :cool:
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