** The iOS10 thread **

also I prefered widgets from the top rather than notification + swipe to get to widgets...

Yeah this has annoyed me. Probably my only issue so far. Wish you could customise this behaviour. Widgets should be front and centre.

Update: Actually, just discovered something. When on home screen, slide your finger right and it'll pop up the widget screen. If anything, easier than bringing down the notification centre.
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It would need to have it to make me switch from Google maps. It has saved me so much time recently.
It indicates here that it does have real-time traffic information. I'm working away from home at the moment so perhaps I'll give it a try on my drive tomorrow.

I do like TomTom though, I've been using it since the very early days on iOS and it just works so well. The live traffic is subscription based and it's always been very accurate. The quarterly map updates are a really good feature.
It indicates here that it does have real-time traffic information. I'm working away from home at the moment so perhaps I'll give it a try on my drive tomorrow.

I do like TomTom though, I've been using it since the very early days on iOS and it just works so well. The live traffic is subscription based and it's always been very accurate. The quarterly map updates are a really good feature.

I haven't used Tom Tom for years, since I had one stuck in my windows. Google maps has been so good, it's fast, fluid, has live traffic (updates from multiple sources including waze) and of course is free. I may try Apple maps out and see how I get on.
I don't get the point of iMessage anymore. There's no use to it when you can't use the features unless you know you've got an iPhone/iPad/iPod user on the other end. All my Android family went on to Facebook messenger and so I had to be dragged along. Why doesn't Apple make an android version?

its called whatsapp :)
What device are you using? The only time Touch ID doesn't work for me is if my finger is damp. Otherwise it's always instant, far quicker than slide/PIN.

A 6, I would have upgraded to the 7+ but just couldn't justify spending that much on something hasn't drastically improved that would benefit me.
8 times out of 10 it will fail 3 times and prompt me to enter my pin. Why couldn't they just have had the slide to unlock option? In all the years I've had an iPhone I've never used a pin or Touch ID! Re done my fingerprints several times too! gahhhhhhh!!!
The touch ID was significantly improved on the 6S vs the 6, it was really noticeable. Could be even better on the 7.

So how do you unlock without touch ID on iOS 10? Not installed it yet.
Amyone else notice when texting, when you enter a number and hit space it stays on the numerical keyboard! I could have sworn it changed back to the letter keyboard when you hit space.

Doing my nut in!
this safe to do now? on my ipad air2....

I updated on my iPad Air 2 and without an hitch. (Along with IPhone 6) Runs smooth too. It's worth noting though that this is a good achievement imo to keep the speed up, as how many times do you hear "iOS 9.xx runs carp on my iPad 3/iPhone 4s""" etc. It makes a change for advanced updates to speed my iPad up. Not vice versa.

My android galaxy note 10.1, for example, is unusable now through update after update and only use it for showing photos or something. It's a slug.

Talking of .... with widgets and changed home/lock screen etc, it feels and looks a bit androidy:confused: If that's a bad thing :rolleyes:
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