The iOS11 Thread

anyone tried 11.1 on a Iphone 6?

Tempted to update but reading all the comments about it being slow and unsure if Apple as still signing any 10.3.x versions has put me off. I am currently still using 10.3.1
If your phone is working leave it that way, especially with an iP6. I scratched an itch to update my iP7+ and now have a heat rash. Some itches are best left un-scratched :p
11.1 GM on my 2nd gen 12" iPad Pro has noticeably fixed a few annoying glitches already (blank folders and touch sensitivity when scrolling through items in the notification screen). Performance seems as good as it was on 10 now I'd say.
It was perfect to start with then it slowed down after a few weeks. Currently on 11.2 beta and it’s much better but still not perfect like it was.
Is it still possible to rollback to any version of IOS 10.3.x?

I would give it a try but if Apple are not signing IOS 10 at all I don't want to update and then be stuck with issues and slowness.
Wish I was still on 10.3.3.

My iPhone 5 updated to 10.3.3 and no more updates so not entitled to iOS 11. My iPhone 6 said there is iOS 11.1 out now but I keep putting it off due to slowness reported by others.

Still running iOS 10.3.1 and read that when doing a fullback up to pc this does not restore iOS version so I'm sticking to what I have.
I can tell you, you aint missing anything with iOS 11 as I find it quite crap. Not having performance issues but location issues and twitch as well as a few others crashing. 10.3.3 was flawless.

Even done a full restore via iTunes.
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