*** The iPhone 3G Thread ***

Well I used to be able to send emails on the move as well as whilst walking without any issues. Since last week it's just been an utter pain to even get the thing connected. It's like some thieving goit has stolen all the 3G transmitters in the Harrow area!

I don't want an N96 but I may end up looking into it as a possible solution. Symbian may not be as good as the Apple OS but at least the core features work reliably.

2.1.0 is the last chance for me as I said before. If the ebay 3G prices are still high then il do a straight swap for a N96 or Blackberry.
Because its about the platform. Those features will come. Apple are just making sure that what it does, it does well. Then it will start to add the additional things.

But the iPhone 3G doesn't do the things it is supposed to do, well.
Well, this is what I consider 'normal' on my phone signal bar wise. Sometimes if I stand still it'll go upto 4 bars and then just fluctuates. I doubt its the phone either.


Exactly the norm for me too.
Because its about the platform. Those features will come. Apple are just making sure that what it does, it does well. Then it will start to add the additional things.
Shut up, fanboy! Would you ship a car without brakes or powersteering because "its a platform, we'll give you this stuff when its ready"? No you wouldn't.
Shut up, fanboy! Would you ship a car without brakes or powersteering because "its a platform, we'll give you this stuff when its ready"? No you wouldn't.

Bit rude don't you think? Nobody's said "Shut up sceptic" to you at any point, have they?

Nobody's forcing anyone to buy the iPhone. Most of us who are willing to use this excellent platform are willing to put up with the rough (and I've a fair enough of that) to enjoy the smooth (on balance I've had much more of that). You should credit iPhone users with enough intelligence to make their own decisions regarding a product.
well my contract was up for renewal so have decided that I would give the iphone a go. It seems to be really nice looking and hopefully will be as good if not better than my current nokia n95 v1.0

i got it mainly for the web features and also the push email was a big plus for me. the apps for the n95 were not the best for exchange email the only one I really liked was roadsync but unfortunately that cost.

are there any must have apps for the iphone?
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Hows people's experience with texting?

I understand a few people are having a bit of a lag (should hopefully be fixed soon) but aside from that.
Bit rude don't you think? Nobody's said "Shut up sceptic" to you at any point, have they?

Nobody's forcing anyone to buy the iPhone. Most of us who are willing to use this excellent platform are willing to put up with the rough (and I've a fair enough of that) to enjoy the smooth (on balance I've had much more of that). You should credit iPhone users with enough intelligence to make their own decisions regarding a product.

agreed. however, what i dont agree with is making excuses. 'they are making sure it does what it does well'. they've had an awfully long time to do that and they still havent got that right, let alone add the featured they so easily could have.

I do like my iphone, very much. but i dont make excuses for apple lol.
Don't think anyone should be making excuses for Apple at all. A few people get their backs up here when you start dishing out the criticism but in some cases it's more than deserved.

The iPhone is an excellent phone. I say that without having touched one but I have had an iPod Touch and the actual platform was great to use.

Hopefully the patch on Friday does a lot of good but it's still missing a lot of things. I'm still annoyed they're dancing around the copy and paste issue - surely it wouldn't be that difficult to implement and is a key feature.
Hows people's experience with texting?

I understand a few people are having a bit of a lag (should hopefully be fixed soon) but aside from that.
Sending texts unlike mail is very reliable but I rarely do it at present because the text lag (almost everyone gets it at some point) is just too poor. I find that a lot of colleagues can accept and get along with it because they never got to experience 1.14 as they all have new 3G's at work.
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