*** The iPhone 3G Thread ***

I'm wanting one. I have some questions -

How bad is the battery life? If you could say how much usage (texts sent, mins of calls, mins of interent etc) that would help.

How is the signal for 3g and download speeds? (specifically near sheffield)

Does it have a stopwatch and countdown timer?

Any other bad points I should be aware of?
How bad is the battery life? If you could say how much usage (texts sent, mins of calls, mins of interent etc) that would help.
You have to charge every day, at least.

How is the signal for 3g and download speeds? (specifically near sheffield)
It is very good.

Does it have a stopwatch and countdown timer?

Any other bad points I should be aware of?
It is very buggy, and third-party apps tend to be piles of crap. iTunes is often a PITA, and you have no other choice but to use it. If you are a heavy texter, you'll end up smashing this thing against a wall.

It is, however, fantastic at the 'net and a brilliant media device (although if you're looking for a hardcore MP3 player, having to use a touch screen for all the controls is a pain).
(although if you're looking for a hardcore MP3 player, having to use a touch screen for all the controls is a pain).
Not sure i agree with that.
You soon get used to it, my touch gets a right hammering off me and i dont struggle in the least with its touch screen based controls/GUI.
I never understood why the Touch doesn't have the hardware volume buttons like the iPhone.
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Can you control it in your pocket or out of sight?
Thats an entirely situational point.
You might have the need for that. I personally dont, what others might require is up for debate.
But in regards to the GUI/its control, which was your original point, theres nothing wrong with it.
Of course, but it depends on how you feel about having to buy something to make up for something missing in what is priced as a 'premium' product.

Ah. So your one of those people are you? :p.
One of those people who thinks that the iPod should do everything under the sun because of its price? :p.
It is very buggy, and third-party apps tend to be piles of crap. iTunes is often a PITA, and you have no other choice but to use it. If you are a heavy texter, you'll end up smashing this thing against a wall.

i have no problems at all with my 2g? far better texting on that than my n95 or viewty *spits*
Anyone have any issues with App Store apps after jailbreaking? Just jailbroken my iPhone 3G (2.0.2) and downloaded 2 apps, Units and Currency and when trying to run either of them it just crashes back to the springboard. I did google for about 30mins but I cant find any specific answer to my problem. Ideas?

Edit: All fixed, deleted the apps and redownloaded them.
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Oh joy. My 3G has been going swimmingly since my last brick/restore debacle. I've been only buying music and installing/updating apps from my PC, nothing from the phone itself. Which is a shame, but can't see any alternative given how flaky it's been.

Anyway this time I was backing up my phone, and was stupid enough to use iTunes and add a podcast while it was doing it. iTunes froze, had to kill it, phone rebooted and stayed on the apple screen of death. So now restoring again (two and a half hours so far).

I think it really is a case of doing absolutely NOTHING in iTunes while it is syncing (20 mins + 10 minutes per application update) or backing up the phone (over an hour). This basically means being without the phone for two hours a day. Apple really do have their work cut out!
Does the ridiculously long backup stage only happen on 3G units? I don't think I ever saw anything more than 1-2 minutes on my original one.

No external speaker....?
That's probably it, for quick adjustment while using the (phone) speaker during a call. Touch could still do with buttons for media use though.
About four hours that took to restore. And you know what the desperately funny bit is? After taking 4 and a half hours to restore, the phone has no music or videos on it, and half the apps are out of date, despite being fine when I backed it up. So now I have to sync it, which will take two hours to do a backup, and then probably another hour to put all my music on it. So that's six and a half hours the bloody thing owes me, and because Apple only allow you to sync to one PC, I have to sit here at work to do it.
Oh great. Now it's syncing, it assumes it's a new iPhone, even though I restored. So it has to "sync" all my apps. I.e. remove and reinstall them all, one by one, despite all being there already after the restore. And each app takes about 10-20 minutes. Multiply by 30 apps and...... I may as well leave the stupid thing on my desk and go home. Of course I tried NOT syncing apps, but because Apple are so.... "special", this means iTunes has to REMOVE every app from my phone.... which, you guessed it, takes 10-20 minutes per application.

I am trying so hard to love this thing. I DO love it when it's working. I think actually on reflection that since all my troubles have been related to iTunes, the best way to maintain an iPhone with this current firmware is to NEVER connect it to a PC once it's working- buy all your music and applications from the phone.

So, so frustrating that such a brilliant device is so utterly crippled by unbelievably crude and pokey host software.
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